
Wound Care Nurses reach a Tentative Agreement!

Yesterday management agreed to place the Wound Care nurses on the same wage scale as all other WSNA nurses at VMMC. That means these nurses will be receiving significant wage increases - some of which will be more than a 19% increase. This is a great example of the difference a union makes in the lives of workers. Thank you to everyone who supported these nurses - if you see them on the floor, make sure to welcome them into our union!

We recommend a “YES” vote at our in-person ratification vote.

We will have a copy of the complete agreement at the vote.

Date: Monday, August 12
Time: 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: Correa Room A, next to the cafeteria

Questions? Please contact one of your local unit officer, nurse representative Sara Frey sfrey@wsna.org or organizer Grace LeMonte GLaMonte@wsna.org.

In solidarity,
Chair - Hannah Collins-Lewis
Vice Chair - Michael Salters
Secretary - Kimberly Travis-Carter
Treasurer - Samuel Asencio
Grievance Officer - Donna Watts
Grievance Officer - Aaron Persinger
Grievance Officer - Kim Adekoya
Staffing Co-Chair – Nicole Vernon
WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte, glamonte@wsna.org
WSNA Nurse Rep Sara Frey, sfrey@wsna.org