
Reminder for Staffing Plan Cuts Sip N Chat Meetings 7/30 – 8/1 and Other Must Have Information

Weingarten Rights – KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!

 If management invites you to a meeting, you may have the right to have a WSNA representative with you. You need to ask, “Is this an investigatory meeting and could what we discuss, lead to discipline now or in the future?” If the answer is yes, you should then state that you would like to have a WSNA rep with you and withhold commenting until you can arrange for one.  Then you should contact your nurse representative or one of your local unit grievance officers. An investigatory interview occurs when your manager or director questions you about any issues you're involved in that could possibly lead to disciplinary action. This could include matters like tardiness, overtime, or complaints from patients or peers, among others. Please read more about representation rights at https://www.wsna.org/union/representation-rights.

Insurance Coverage

WSNA is aware that on at least some units, managers are discouraging nurses from getting insurance stating the hospital will cover them if something happens. There are several reasons why every nurse should have their own insurance coverage. Management has been known to say that patients/family will come after nurses who have insurance. Patients and families will most likely name everyone involved in their lawsuit and will not know who has individual insurance. Hospital attorneys represent the hospital. You want someone who is representing your interests! A hospital may even terminate you if they feel you did something wrong and certainly will not provide representation in that case. A hospital or patient may report you to the nursing commission and you need your own representation if charges are filed. HIPAA violation coverage is generally part of insurance coverage.  Insurance is inexpensive (usually around $100 per year) and EVERY nurse should have it. Don’t wait!

ADO Intimidation or Retaliation

 WSNA has been receiving reports of managers or directors putting adverse pressure on nurses who are filing ADOs, especially those related to breaks and meals.  Per the staffing law, A hospital may not retaliate against or engage in any form of intimidation or otherwise take any adverse action against  a nurse  who notifies the hospital staffing committee or the hospital administration of his or her concerns on nurse staffing.  It is okay for management to ask a nurse about details of the situation that led to a filing of the ADO however, they may not intimidate or retaliate or discourage you from filing more.

Please continue to submit your ADOs. We are receiving a significant number each month and those help guide your staffing committee in their work. Soon, the hospital will have to report staffing variations to the state. Please notify your nurse representative, Sara Frey, ASAP if you feel your manager is intimidating or retaliating against you for filing ADOs. ADO use is also a protected concerted activity under the NLRA. WSNA will not tolerate any intimidation or retaliation in response to a nurse filing an ADO.

In addition to filing ADOs, nurses can also file complaints with the following agencies when they have concerns about staffing including missed breaks/meals:

To report a complaint to the WA DOH about a healthcare facility:

To report a PATIENT safety concern to The Joint Commission:  

To report missed meals or rest breaks:  

Sip N Chat  Topic – VM Management’s Proposal to Gut Staffing

Join Us for a Virtual Sip N Chat

July 30 – 6 – 7 pm

July 31 – 8:30 – 9:30 am

August 1 – 6 – 7 pm

 Meeting Information (Same link for all three time/day options)

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 220 703 918 861

Passcode: y8CFsG

Dial in by phone

+1 206-485-2614,,747684307# United States, Seattle

(888) 313-0615,,747684307# United States (Toll-free)

Questions? Please contact one of your local unit officer, nurse representative Sara Frey sfrey@wsna.org or organizer Grace LeMonte GLaMonte@wsna.org

In solidarity,

Chair - Hannah Collins-Lewis
Vice Chair - Michael Salters
Secretary - Kimberly Travis-Carter
Treasurer - Samuel Asencio
Grievance Officer - Donna Watts
Grievance Officer - Aaron Persinger
Grievance Officer - Kim Adekoya
Staffing Co-Chair – Nicole Vernon

WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte, glamonte@wsna.org
WSNA Nurse Rep Sara Frey, sfrey@wsna.org