We value women’s health!
Posted Aug 1, 2023

Our FBC nurses tried to get management to pay attention to the staffing problems in their unit by consistently filing ADOs, which go to the unit manager, staffing committee members, and WSNA. Although management did not pay attention to these ADOs the nurses on the staffing committee and WSNA did.
That is the reason for this petition. To raise our voices in solidarity and shout we need safe staffing in the FBC that includes rest and meal breaks. We also are adamant the lactation consultant nurses be placed on the same wage scale as the rest of us.

If you need stickers, you can find them on union bulletin boards throughout the hospital. If you cannot find them there, please contact any WSNA Local Unit Officer: Matthew McGuire, Emily Nollmeyer, Sally Budack, Shannon Suchland, Shelly Mead, Yunna Flenord, Carina Price, Rachel Watcher, or our nurse rep Barbara Friesen, bfriesen@wsna.org