We have a tentative agreement for our union contract!
Posted May 12, 2023

It has been almost nine long months since the team started this journey to win a fair contract. Session number Sweet 16, today, was the day we reached a tentative agreement with the County! Highlights are the general wage increase of 4% each year of the contract in 2023 and 2024, retroactive to January 1, 2023. Wage parity for the RN classification with the PHN’s is also a hard-fought gain, as was securing the evening rate to park at Goat Hill for the day shift at KCCF. Several certification premiums were won, as was a $1000 ratification bonus, a first for the staff nurses. We must mention that numerous takeaways were deflected to recruit and retain nurses in all divisions and classifications.
What’s next? We’ll work with the nurses and the County to secure voting locations and times to allow members to cast their ballot. Look for an upcoming vote summary to review prior to the vote and send questions to WSNA Nurse Rep Tara Barnes at tbarnes@wsna.org. Thank you to so many nurses who participated in a number of unified actions to bring this TA to fruition! We can do together what we cannot do alone.
In solidarity from your bargaining team,
Tyler Breier Child Care Programs
Elena Schensted CSO and First Steps Columbia
Tami Nesler MRJC
Carolyn Clark KCCF
Erika Fardig First Steps Columbia