Update on Mediation Session #2
Posted Aug 26, 2021

Your update on Mediation session #2 from Arlene Alba, RN Local Unit Secretary.
"First I want to say thank you to everyone who sent us encouraging words and photos. It really means a lot to hear those things from you all. You are the reason why we are here and our motivation to continue when things get tough at the table. Thank you for everything you do at VM for our patients and our community.
We are eager to be done with this but will not compromise the nurses at VM or the integrity of our profession by letting them give less than what we need to continue on in these difficult times. The bottom line is about our patients and our ability to care for them the way that they deserve.
We have another mediation session scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 1, so stay tuned for more details, and don’t forget to wear your WSNA swag!
Consider joining the new private Facebook group for WSNA nurses at Virginia Mason to watch a video update from your local unit officer.
Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/virginiamasonrns and click "Join" (approval may take a day or two).
In Solidarity, your bargaining team
Jane Hill-Littlejohn, Susan Dunn, Suzanne Baek, and Arlene Alba
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Michelle Moore at mmoore@wsna.org.