Update on ANM Leadership Redesign
Posted Oct 24, 2023
As your officer team, we are writing to provide an update on the recent and significant change in management at Providence Holy Family Hospital.
Providence has undertaken a major restructuring initiative, resulting in the elimination of a substantial portion of middle management, specifically the Assistant Nurse Managers (ANMs). This transformative step is occurring at all of our Spokane Providence campuses, and December 17 will be the start date of the new model.
Although Providence has not made a statement to the members of HFH, they have at other campuses. The local unit officers at HFH have filed a Request for Information (RFI) and have effectively communicated our concerns at the committee level. Although ANMs are not part of the bargaining unit, their work and FTE directly impact our ability to deliver patient care. We have expressed concern about these issues, and for the fate of our nurse leaders.
We understand that such significant shifts can raise questions and concerns. Open lines of communication are essential, and we encourage you to share any feedback or questions you may have. As the changes take effect, we encourage you and all nurses to take full advantage of the Assignment Despite Objection (ADO) online form and document situations that are unsafe. wsna.org/ado.
The QR code on the WSNA badge buddy is another quick and easy way to obtain the online form. If you don’t have a badge buddy, you can obtain one by contacting a Local Unit Liaison on your unit, checking a WSNA bulletin board, or reaching out to Emily Troyer Membership Officer at eatroyer21@gmail.com and we will get one to you!

Expect further house-wide communication from your officer team in the coming days. This topic will be on the Staffing Committee agenda for upcoming meetings until we feel all issues have been addressed.
In unity,
WSNA Local Unit Officers
Martha Goodall – Chair
Peggy Smith – Co-Chair
Eric Holden – Secretary/Treasurer
Tristan Twohig – Grievance Officer
Emily Troyer – Membership Officer
Theresa Wood – Member at Large