Providence VNA Negotiation Update Day #1
Posted Jun 3, 2024
UPCOMING! Virtual local unit meeting - Information at the bottom!

(Pictured left to right: Amanda Crawford Vice Chair, Carisa Berard, Carolyn Chandler Grievance Officer, Rachel Morgan. Absent: Kathleen Thompson Chair)
Your WSNA bargaining team wrapped up day one at the Central Library downtown. While we had hoped to meet for joint sessions on site at PVNA, VNA was not willing to meet onsite. We therefore made use of the newly renovated public libraries.
Workplace Violence remains at the forefront of your negotiating teams work, and day 1 began with candid, raw statements from the nurses themselves. A big thank you to Esther Guisinger, Lisa Figg, Kathleen Thompson, Amanda Crawford, Susan Worster, Carisa Berard, Carolyn Chandler, and Jennifer Eastmans for your powerful, narrative stories. These statements were read by the team to management, painting a picture of what our valuable VNA nurses endure daily when they offer their services to our community. WSNA is making strong proposals to improve Workplace Violence and to create a reporting process nurses can exercise in the event they find themselves feeling unsafe. Our goal is to have a clear process with a multifactor approach where complaints are assessed and addressed by a committee that embodies WSNA nurses. Management did say they have an interest in continued discussions around Workplace Violence but didn’t comment on WSNAs proposals as of yet.
Other proposals from WSNA included improvements to compensation for working on your day off, shift differential and a new weekend premium. We also advocated for predicable productivity guidelines, and a fair low census process where VNA will seek volunteers first, and if not enough volunteers come forward, travelers will be the next to be sent home. The parties did reach a tentative agreement on the low census language proposal. Other proposals included increases to PTO accruals and additional compensation for working beyond a regular shift on a holiday. Management unfortunately rejected both.
We presented management with our comprehensive wage proposal covering the next three years that we feel the nurses of VNA need to remain competitive with other WSNA facilities in Spokane. Management did not respond to our proposal and told us they would get back to us at a later date.
The next days to bargain are July 10, 11 and 22.
Until then, continue to wear WSNA blue by route of buttons, badge buddies or any swag while at work. If you are on Facebook and Instagram, be sure to follow us!
To get more information on what is occurring at the bargaining table, and to find out what you can do to support your time, join us at the next Local Unit meeting!
June 20, 2024
6:30 to 7:15 pm
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Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jaclyn Smedley, BSN, RN at