News you can use!
Posted Nov 7, 2023
In this issue:
- Recent grievance win
- Calling all supplemental RNs
- Conference committee update
- A message from a Birth Place nurse, Ashley Burman
- Your WSNA Contract Corner
- November contract highlight
- Nurses week celebration May 2023
Recent grievance win
An OR RN reached out to WSNA because Pullman Regional Hospital was denying them the ability to stack certification and education premiums. This stacking was a HUGE win in our recent contract and WSNA filed a grievance on their behalf. PRH ended up agreeing to our settlement to not only pay the nurse for all education and certifications moving forward but also to award her a portion of back pay!
Calling all supplemental RNs
Did you know that when you join WSNA, you only pay dues on the months that you actually work? There is also no requirement to call and turn them off and on for when you do and don’t work. The dues you pay are also significantly less than your full time counterparts and other unions in the region.
Conference committee update
Our meeting Monday Oct. 23 had to be rescheduled. The new date is Nov. 8 at 11:30. Please see agenda items below.
- Contingency Shifts
- Floating per MOU (MOU is in CBA)
- COVID boosters / Flu Vaccine
a. Quarantine requirements - Setting up a routine cadence for Conference Committee
- Confirm Staffing Committee members/Involvement
Remember! Almost any issue can be brought up in Conference committee. If you have anything else you would like us to address please email
Read your WSNA Pullman Regional Hospital Nurses Contract here on your WSNA Local unit page.
A message from a Birth Place nurse, Ashley Burman, who recently joined WSNA!
I’ve been a nurse for 12 years and at Pullman Regional Hospital almost 2 years. I started as a traveler at Pullman and stayed on prn.
I chose nursing for several reasons. My dad was a Nurse Practitioner. I knew that I wanted to care for people like he did. I started out as a teaching major. During school I ended up supporting my friend during her labor at the birth of her daughter. It was in that moment that I knew that I wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse. So I swapped majors!
I am honored to be represented by a union that is exclusively dedicated to the nursing profession. I also love that as a per diem employee I get a discount rate on my membership dues and only pay the months that I work!

Your WSNA Contract Corner
Because we care about our nurses, the following is a contract highlight to help our valuable nurses know their WSNA contracts.
Did you know, anything that has to do with wages, hours or working conditions are ALL mandatory subjects of bargaining? Yes!
November contract highlight
Article 9.16 Off Duty Meetings – Did you know that time spent by nurses during off-duty hours at any meeting where attendance is requested by management is paid time? Yes, it’s true! This is a WSNA benefit. Even overtime is paid if the meeting puts the nurse into overtime. So what this means for our hard working nurses is, more cash to collect on. Don’t miss out on a paid opportunity and the next contract highlight!
Nurses week celebration May 2023
Your local unit officers were excited to celebrate you! From thoughtful handwritten notes, to snacks, swag and prizes! We hope you felt the love and appreciation for all that you do to take care of our community. Thank you to all the nurses that came by. It was a fun filled day. On the left, MaryAnn Amundson and Jeannie won a raffle prize! On the right is Trina Partain, your WSNA Grievance Officer and Wendy Delzer, your previous WSNA Secretary.

Want to help plan the next party?
We want to hear from you!
Jaclyn Smedley - WSNA Nurse Rep
Jenny Galassi WSNA Nurse Organizer