
News You Can Use!

Important dates ahead; Observers wanted Monday!

We return to the bargaining table this Monday July 22 for our 17th bargaining session with Confluence. If you have the day off and are not too busy playing in the sun, please join the bargaining team for a ½ or full day. Your presence makes a difference, and the team has been making progress building your first union contract at Mares. Snacks and drinks provided. We will have WSNA t-shirts and swag there too! Bargaining is at the Washington Apple Commission, 2900 Euclid Avenue.

Your voice matters

Getting involved in bargaining your union contract is crucial because it ensures your voice and interests are represented in negotiations that directly impact your working conditions, benefits, and rights. If you can’t make it but have something important to say? Reach out to a member of the bargaining team or your WSNA Nurse Representative Laurie Robinson, lrobinson@wsna.org. Thank you, to all the nurses, in the ED and Rehab/ Med Surg units that filled out a recent survey regarding topics specific to your area. If you did not have a chance to fill it out, you can still do so. If you didn’t get the link sent to your personal email, let us know and we can get that to you.

Active participation helps shape fair agreements that reflect the needs and priorities of all union members, fostering a stronger and more equitable workplace environment.

Virtual sip and chat July 25

Your bargaining team invites you to a virtual bargaining update on Teams this Thursday. Get updated on where we stand on issues important to you in contract negotiations and ask the team questions. Join us for discussion around floating, shift start times and much more!

Thursday, July 25
7-8:30 pm

Click on the link button below to join (we recommend downloading the Teams app) or dial in to an audio-only call using this number.

Dial in by phone
+1 206-485-2614,,367279876# United States, Seattle
(888) 313-0615,,367279876# United States (Toll-free)

Phone conference ID: 367 279 876#

Meeting ID: 299 619 177 7621
Passcode: DgvG4L

How to support your bargaining team

  1. Wear BLUE Monday!  Wear your WSNA blue T shirt, blue scrubs, “I support the bargaining team” button or sticker to show you stand with your team. Take a picture with your coworkers and send it to a member of the bargaining team or Organizer Jenny Galassi, 206-707-2948. Reach out if you do not have yours yet and we can get one to you!
  2. Union Membership- Join WSNA today. When you become a member, it shows management that nurses are paying attention.


    *Member dues cannot be deducted until we have a full tentative agreement on our first contract and your bargaining unit votes to approve it. We’ll let you know when that’s coming.
  3.  Observe bargaining- Attending a bargaining session as an observer and hear from Management yourself. Upcoming dates are July 22 and July 30.
  4. Get social- Join our closed Facebook group for updates and ask questions.
    WSNA- Confluence Health Mares RNs.
  5. Stay informed- All updates are posted on your local unit page and are emailed to you as soon as they are available. Search WSNA Mares anytime to find it.
  6. Bring a friend- Invite two coworkers to the Virtual bargaining update this Thursday at 7pm!

In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining team
Chris Gallup, OR, Co-Chair
Marshall Snoddy, OR, Co-Chair
Megan Baute, GI, Secretary
Caitlin Orange, GI, Treasurer
Mateo Maestas, OR, Grievance Officer
Rochelle Mason, ED, Membership Officer
Waikele Frantz, Rehab/ Medsurg, Unit Liaison
Questions/Concerns Contact Laurie Robinson, WSNA Nurse Representative, 206-620-4136,  lrobinson@wsna.org.

For more information on how you can get involved contact Jenny Galassi, Nurse Organizer, 206-707-2948, jgalassi@wsna.org.