Negotiation update for session 3
Posted Feb 28, 2022

We met on Friday, Feb. 25, for our third session. Management gave two new proposals:
- Professional nurse advancement program (PNAP – a clinical ladder)
- A regional float pool based at St. Joe’s with a specific float pool that would float/travel to United, Peace Island, and Ketchikan.
We are concerned by the lack of detail in both of these proposals which have huge ramifications for nurses. Our next sessions will be a half-day on Friday, March 11 and back-to-back days on Monday, March 14 and Tuesday, March 15.
Thank you for showing your bargaining team support!
So many nurses participated in our first “Sticker Up” day! The pictures are fantastic to see, and send a clear message that we are unified in winning a strong and fair contract. We will have more Sticker Up days and more union actions in the future!
In Solidarity and Unity,
Laura Bayes, 4-South; Tracy Pullar and Darlyce Jerde, PCU; Geri Fallacy, Pre-Admit Screening; Robin Cully, ED; Rhonda Tull, SSU; Grace Schackel, Cath Lab; Jana Travenshek, CCFP
WSNA Union Leadership Conference in Chelan
April 24-26, 2022, WSNA will be holding the Union Leadership Conference in beautiful Chelan, Washington. We are sponsoring ten nurses, first come, first serve. Before you register, send an email with your interest to for specific details about the sponsorship.
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