Lactation RNs unanimously vote to join WSNA!
Posted Apr 20, 2023
Congratulations to all the Lactation nurses who voted to join WSNA on Apr 19, 2023. Who voted? Every. Single. Nurse. And all of them voted yes to having a seat at the table and a voice in deciding how best to serve their patients. Our officers have supported their fight to being part of the St. Joe’s bargaining unit.
The Lactation team is now looking forward to partnering with their new WSNA colleagues to negotiate an MOU, bringing them under the protection of the contract. This is an exciting new chapter for all of us. They will join the ranks of nurses who have organized before them who previously joined the St. Joe’s contract and inspire future RNs to organize in Tacoma. Bravo!

In solidarity,
WSNA/SJMC Local Unit Officers: Matthew McGuire, Emily D’Anna, Sally Budack, Shelly Mead, Yunna Flenord, Teresa Kindell, Carina Price, Rachel Wachter, Shannon Suchland
Questions? Contact any WSNA Local Unit Officers or WSNA Nurse Representative Barbara Friesen at 206-575-7979 ext. 3056.