It's time for an update
Posted Apr 7, 2020
Your team has a direct line of communication with your leadership, and we are very proud of the fact that United has equipment for nurses to use. Your incident command has the ability to request supplies from the federal stockpile and is in communication about their needs proactively. Since things change so quickly in this new world we live in, has readily available information to access quickly on the COVID-19 pages for up to date PPE recommendations. Please note that issues with PPE are a GREAT reason to fill out an ADO online. You can even fill out the form from your cell phone. The form is at
Your team filed a grievance about the difficulty accessing education funds for classes in accordance with the contract. This issue affected more than one facility so the actual grievance was presented at St. Joe’s Bellingham. Please see the resolution below. This is a great win for us!
Effective immediately, PeaceHealth is no longer requiring travel plans for education which does not incur travel costs. They are working with Finance to change the approval process to move from the Chief Nursing Officer to the nurse’s direct manager for future reimbursement requests. Additionally, leadership is also working to designate a proxy to assist with expense reimbursements. The proxy will be able to enter receipts and complete expense reports on behalf of the nurse. In order to fully implement and train to the processes described above, we are aiming to implement all improvements described by the beginning of April. HR will continue to offer direct assistance to nurses to submit WSNA Education Reimbursement requests.
ADO (Assignment Despite Objection) forms and Staffing concern forms
Please note that the online WSNA ADO forms come directly to your local chair Zak and your nurse rep. The minute you hit send it arrives in the inbox. We are utilizing this format to get information quickly to us so we can address this with leadership in as close to real time as we can. We have the ability to have at least daily conversations with your leadership to bring these concerns up. I have received reassurances that there are NO repercussions to filling these out. You can access the form from your smart phone and complete it easily as well as on desktop computer. That form can be found on
WSNA is working with management right now to finalize a proposal that will provide extra protection and benefits around the nursing staff. We recognize that all healthcare staff on the front lines are equally Important and indispensable at this time. Your officers and WSNA are working hard to secure benefits for the nurses. There will be more coming on that. But know that you are all valued and we are seeking to have that acknowledgement from your leadership in the form of an agreement.
Please stay tuned for updates from your officers and WSNA. We will be hosting an ALL MEMBER CALL IN TOWN hall next week open to all members across the state. This will be the BEST opportunity to hear what we are doing on a big scale as well as share in the challenges and victories of your nurse co-workers from around the state.
In the meantime, we would like to see each of you as you are frontline through this disaster. Please take a quick selfie or snapshot (NO HOSPITAL IDENTIFYERS IN THE PHOTO PLEASE!) and email them to one of your officers or your nurse rep. Use the hashtags #stayathome or #silencekills . You are all amazing! Lets celebrate all of us in action!

There are so many changes going on right now its hard to keep up! Fortunately, we have the BEST team at WSNA on top of all things and they have a web page full of resources and information on . This will include information and resources for families as well as nurses and has some very valuable resources for financial assistance during this time.
As always, reach out to one of your officers or directly to your nurse rep. we are here for you! And together we are stronger!
Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!
Zak M. Thatcher, BSN, RN CEN, Chair
Shannon Lauder BSN RN Co-chair
Robyn G. Tilton, RN Secretary
Lacen K. Potter, RN Treasurer
Theresa A. Huizenga, RN OCN Grievance Officer
Dyana Mitchell, RN Membership Coordinator
Sue Dunlap, WSNA Nurse Representative,