Denial of Break Nurse Shifts
Posted Aug 15, 2024

Good Sam Leadership has put our break shifts on hold while they re-evaluate their financial situation.
Beginning May 1, 2024, each nursing unit was allotted Break Nurse Hours to individualize to their unit needs. The hours were allotted by the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and the plan was approved by the Hospital Staffing Committee.
Each unit-based staffing committee had the discretion to determine the length and time of the break shifts within the hours allotted. Nurses were not allowed to go into overtime on these shifts. Actual break RN positions have not been created yet, as we have been using these initial months to evaluate what it takes to provide proper meal and rest break relief and which times of the shift work best to provide this coverage. The plan was to eventually phase in actual break nurse FTEs.
Good Sam senior leadership unilaterally paused our break plan, without consulting with WSNA or with the Hospital Staffing Committee.
WSNA feels this is a violation of our Break MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). A union grievance was filed and we issued a Cease and Desist against this action.
We need to ALL come together and stand up against MultiCare's disrespect for our Break MOU. We need to take collective Action!
What can you do?
- Wear your "Break for Safety" stickers at work. Stickers can be found on the union bulletin boards. If you still have the "Break for Safety" button from last year, please wear those.
- Be very honest on your Kronos attestation. If you missed a meal or rest break; PLEASE indicate so. We are tracking missed breaks. If you don't claim them, then it appears that everything is fine. If management gives you a hard time, notify one of your union leaders or WSNA Nurse Rep.
- File ADOs (Assignment Despite Objection) forms. Your ADOs are reviewed at the monthly Hospital Staffing Committee meetings. We need you to let us know if: You missed meal and rest breaks; If you did not have a break nurse or Flex nurse available; If you took your breaks using a break buddy; If you submitted for posted break shifts but were denied.
- Make sure the new break tracking form is used each shift. This helps us to track if breaks were taken, missed, why they were missed, and who gave the break (break nurse, break buddy, charge, or flex).
- BLUE FRIDAYS are Back. Wear your WSNA Blue T-shirts on Blue Fridays (starting 8/16). If management tells you to change your shirt; ask them if not complying would lead to disciplinary action. If they say yes, then comply and notify your union leaders or WSNA Nurse Rep. If needed, WSNA will file another ULP (Unfair Labor Practice) against MultiCare. More shirts are being ordered for those who do not have them.
- Take PICs. Take pictures wearing your WSNA shirts and Stickers/Buttons and post on our WSNA Good Sam Social Media sites; or send pics to
The parties agree the break buddy system shall not be the primary method of providing break relief, effective May 1, 2024. Specifically, the break buddy system shall be used as a last resource to ensure meals and breaks are provided on a unit, as defined in the unit’s meal and break plan.
- Each unit leadership team with input from the staffing committee representative shall create a meal and break process for their unit.
- Break relief nurses shall have similar skills, scope, and competencies and shall not have a patient assignment.
- Units who select to use flex RNs for meal and break coverage may continue to do so as part of their unit meal and break plan.
- Plan(s) shall be submitted to the hospital staffing committee no later than April 1, 2024 and shall be reviewed during the April 2024 staffing committee meeting for its approval.
- Upon approval by the staffing committee, or effective May 1, 2024, leaders shall implement the meal and break plan(s).
Effectiveness: At each monthly staffing committee meeting, the Employer shall report out on missed meals and breaks (by unit and shift) and, beginning June 1, 2024, the number of meals and breaks covered by the break buddy system or flex RNs will be reported out.
If a unit misses more than 20% of breaks during a quarter, or is utilizing the buddy system or flex RNs more than 20% of the time, the HSC will review with the unit, during a staffing committee meeting, to discuss any systemic issues leading to missed breaks or utilization of the buddy system or flex RNs. If determined by the staffing committee as necessary, a recommendation to the impacted unit shall be made on how to meet the meal and break plan.
Notice of Meal/Break Needs: Nurses shall take their meal and rest breaks. If a nurse is unable to take a 30-minute meal period or rest period(s), or if they are unable to assist with break relief, they shall notify their manager or designee and they shall attempt to provide the manager or designee with enough notice so they may attempt to arrange for the nurse to receive their required meal and/or break(s).
Nurses shall be completely relieved of duty while taking meal and rest breaks.
Labor and Industries Meal & Rest Break Protections for Certain Healthcare Workers
HLS.A.2 (
Questions/Comments, contact:
Your Good Samaritan Officers,
Ilia Mondoy, Raeli Korzeniecki, Mindy Thornton, Aaron Bradley, Anne Landen, Atalia Lapkin
WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte
WSNA Nurse Rep Janet Stewart