Day 2 – Staffing Staffing Staffing
Posted Feb 16, 2023
(and we asked the Department of Health for a public hearing regarding the new tower)

Protect our patients, protect our licenses, protect ourselves
We hit the ground running today at negotiations. We proposed ratios, break nurses, and a protection of bargaining unit work (including charge nurses!) at the table. The empirical evidence is undisputed – ratios equal better patient outcomes. TG fought for and got ratios years ago – we can have them, too. Here is some of what we asked for:
- Medical/Surgical: 1:4
- Progressive Care (including Obs): 1:3
- Critical Care: 1:1 or 1:2
- ED: 1:3 (trauma 1:1; critical care-level 1:2)
- Fast-Track: 1:6
- OR/Procedural Suite: 1 RN Circulator; 1 Scrub; higher level cases may have a second RN
- PACU: Phase 1, 1:1 (with advanced airway), 1:2 (without advanced airway); Phase 2, 1:2
- NICU: 1:2
- Birth Center: 1:1 or 1:2
- Mother-Baby: 1:3 couplets
- Antepartum: 1:3 stable or 1:1 non-stable
- START unit: 1:4.
We also made it clear that these ratios are in addition to charges, resources, and break nurses. We also proposed that charge duties are bargaining unit duties – we’ve been told too many times that CANMs will be doing charge, and but that should be our work. We also proposed that the hospital ensure that break nurses are provided for every unit – the “buddy system” is a recipe for patient care disaster and expedited nurse burn-out (we’ve had stories of critical care nurses having to care for 6 patients, med-surg taking 10!).
There’s been a steady chipping away at bargaining unit work – we believe that the work of staff nurses should be done by WSNA represented nurses. While we need travelers and system float pool nurses to help out until we’re fully staffed, we are concerned when we are told that CANMs will pick up two charge shifts a week – that’s premium pay that belongs to bargaining unit nurses. We are also concerned when we see MultiCare’s proposal to the DOH for the new tower and it includes planned positions for “Outside Wages” (MultiCare’s use of robots at Deaconess notwithstanding).
(4 p.m. update – Management rejected our proposals on charge nurses, made restrictive proposals regarding per diem availability which is tantamount to collective punishment for what management describes as a few bad apples, and proposed an effective decrease in pay for 1.5x or 2x premium pay.)
The New Tower
MultiCare has submitted a Certificate of Need to the Department of Health regarding its desire to build a new tower. We requested that the DOH hold a public hearing – if Good Sam can’t staff this hospital safely, we want to know what the plan is to staff an additional 150 beds.
Upcoming Actions!
No Sip & Chat tonight! Instead, call into the WA Safe & Healthy Coalition Tele Town Hall. Call: 833-491-0327 Meeting ID 7341. The call is at 7:30 p.m. and is expected to last 30 minutes. They will be updating us on the progress of the Safe Staffing Bill SB 5236.
Are you interested in observing bargaining?
If you want to watch our WSNA team and MultiCare bargain on 2/23, please send an email to to learn more. If you are willing and able to observe on 2/23, we will be in contact with you and go over some rules and guidelines. You play an important role in keeping negotiations transparent!
Good Sam Nurses Break for Safety!
Your bargaining team is asking you to wear your break for safety buttons every day, and to wear your WSNA shirts on Blue Fridays and bargaining days. Send in your pictures to our Facebook group: WSNA Good Sam - Union discussion, or tag us on Instagram @GSHnurses!
If you are asked to take off your union shirt or button, ask if you can be disciplined for not doing so. If the answer is yes, comply and then email
If you have questions or want to get more involved in our contract campaign, contact any of the bargaining team members or WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart
For T-shirts, stickers or buttons, contact WSNA organizer Grace LaMonte
In Solidarity, Your 2023 Bargaining Team
Mindy Thornton, WSNA Chair – ED
Anne Landen, WSNA Grievance Officer – ED
Aaron Bradley, WSNA Treasurer – Med/Pall
Jared Richardson, WSNA Co-Chair – Med/Pall
Raeli Korzeniecki, WSNA Secretary – FBC
Dawn Morrell, WSNA Grievance Officer – Cath Lab/Cardio IR
Atalia Lapkin, Unit Rep – MS ICU
Erin Butler, Unit Rep – PCU
Ashley Eubank, Unit Rep – CCU/CVICU
Eren Dao, Unit Rep – Peri Op/GI/Special Procedures
Paul Grantham, Unit Rep — Transition/Observation