Bargaining Update – Blue Friday special edition
Posted Feb 3, 2023

It appears that management has caught a case of Blue Flu –all of sudden, the dress code policy is being stretched, expanded, and (mis)interpreted to prevent nurses from wearing WSNA t-shirts on bargaining dates (next one, February 16) and on Blue Fridays. This is a blatant violation of federal labor law and a frequent tactic management uses when they see a little too much unity among union nurses. In sum, the law says that if nurses have been wearing “nurse life” t-shirts, sports jerseys, or clothing of any kind that displays logos and isn’t Hospital-issue, you can wear your union shirts. (That also goes for management – management can’t forbid union shirts because they’re “confusing to patients” but continue to wear Seahawks gear.)
So, can I still wear my WSNA t-shirt if my manager tells me to take it off?
If your manager asks you to take off your WSNA t-shirt, ask if you’ll be disciplined if you don’t comply and ask why they are asking you to take it off. If the answer is yes, comply and let them know you’ll be notifying your unit rep. Then, notify your union rep.
What about union stickers and my “Break for Safety” pins?
See above. Ask if you’ll be disciplined, if yes then comply, ask why, and report it to your union rep.
Why now?
Guess. By the way, the “MultiCare Dress Code” policy states that it applies to Tacoma General, but the nurses there also had Blue Friday and blued up for bargaining days and it was a non-issue.
Stay united, stay strong, stay blue.
If you have questions or want to get more involved in our contract campaign, contact any of the bargaining team members or WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart
For T-shirts, stickers or buttons, contact WSNA organizer Grace LaMonte