Bargaining for your next contract has started!
Posted Oct 13, 2023

We, your Kindred negotiation team, met with Kindred management for our first session on October 12, 2023. We presented a mostly comprehensive proposal. Our priority focus for these negotiations is STAFFING and WAGES. We believe, these cannot be separated!
Our hospital is significantly behind the area market in compensation and our turnover rate is high and unacceptable. Having competitive wages not only attracts great nurses but serves to retain them as well! We also deserve to earn a living wage and be compensated for the skill we bring to Kindred and our patients. We have made a number of proposals which would make our hospital competitive and to provide our nurses with fair wages. We are meeting with management’s attorney again on October 19 and understand they will be prepared to respond to our proposals.
Thank you all for participating in the wonderful pictures! The pictures everyone has taken mean we have you all behind us when we talk with management. We want to be transparent and unified in our negotiations. Our “sticker up” day had 100% participation on day shift. Next, we are asking people to observe management’s responses to our proposals on 10/19. If you would like to observe negotiations, please contact Sam for details: 425-606-7036.
Your negotiation team - Mary Onyango, Shonsherryer Holland and Thandi Bilik