Action Alert!
Posted Oct 9, 2024
Drop off completed hard copy community petitions from 0600 to 0900 by no later than Oct 28, 2024.
Rocket Bakery. 3315 N Argonne Rd. Millwood
If you cannot make this date and time, please arrange drop off with either Kathleen Thompson or Jaclyn Smedley, Nurse Rep BEFORE Oct 28, 2024

In September, the negotiating team launched a community petition, and they are in need of YOUR help! This petition is different from the internal RN petition. At this time, more signatures are needed for the community petition to raise awareness around the lack of options nurses have when it comes to determining if a home is safe or not, and their ability to independently determine if they should do the home visit. With your help to gather signatures, we will show Providence the community of Spokane is behind its nurses!
Have you picked up your hard copy community petition? And asked your family, friends, or colleagues to sign it?
If not, look no further.
Print your copy
The negotiating team is asking nurses to go out into groups or pairs to reach the community at various public events to get signatures for the community petition. Wear your scrubs, badge, and stethoscope so it’s clear you’re an RN in need of their help. If you’re unsure on where to start, fear not. We have comprised a list of community events for you! Use the link to choose the public event near you to get started!
Signatures can be obtained either hard copy (above) or via electronically with the link below. The results will be sent to WSNA Nurse Rep Jaclyn Smedley only. Any personal information included will not be shared beyond WSNA.
To access an electronic copy of the petition, use this link.
Drop off completed hard copy community petitions from 0600 to 0900
Rocket Bakery. 3315 N Argonne Rd. Millwood
If you cannot make this time, please arrange drop off with either Kathleen Thompson or Jaclyn Smedley Nurse Rep BEFORE Oct 28, 2024.
Questions/ Concerns : Contact Jaclyn Smedley, WSNA Nurse Représentative,