
PeaceHealth United PPE

The recent Governor’s Proclamation requires that hospitals have a PPE committee to address various equipment concerns, supply and demand and PPE burn rates. PeaceHealth United has a representative! Shrene Clement has already attended a few meetings and is now officially your PPE contact for United.

If you have any concerns or questions, please email her directly at SClement2@peacehealth.org and she will take to the committee. This committee meets every other week.

In addition, the online ADO form also has categories for equipment issues. These are automatically routed directly to your nurse representative Sue Dunlap who also attends the committee meetings. This form can be completed on your phone or computer and is found at www.wsna.org/ado .

Please take a minute when you see Shrene and say “thank you” for her participation on this committee! Caregiver safety and protection is the priority and we are lucky to have her advocating for us.

Questions / concerns: please contact your nurse representative Sue Dunlap MSN at sdunlap@wsna.org. Or call 206-575-7979 ext. 3005.