
Low Census Reporting Alert

We are working hard on getting full break relief throughout TG as quickly as possible, but it will take time. For now, TG has agreed to not low census any RN without first ensuring that a plan is in place for all RNs to receive their breaks.

We want you to notify us if you or someone on your unit was sent home for VLC or MLC if:

1. Not all RN breaks have been taken


2. There was no plan in place for that day to allow for all breaks to be taken.


3. If the unit is not staffed according to the approved staffing plan.

If this occurs, email your WSNA nurse representative, Sydne James at sjames@wsna.org.

Have you tried using the new Staffing Complaint/ADO form? Fill it out for all staffing issues, including missed breaks or denied PTO and for other issues such as missing equipment. It only takes a few minutes to complete.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Rep Sydne James at sjames@wsna.org or 206-575-7979, ext. 3004.