Let's Dish
Posted Dec 1, 2022

The Short Story
After 2 ½ years of pandemic and at a time when we are seeing so many other hospitals offering double-digit raises in the first year, Tacoma General is still coming to the table and trying to remove ratios from our contract while offering substandard wages. Their latest wage proposal offers less than 12% for beginning nurses over three years and still cuts off the wage scale at Step 25! Our current scale goes up to Step 32. TG says this would mean that nurses hit the top of the scale earlier, but what it really means is that the ceiling is lowered and every nurse at Step 25 and higher would only get one increase a year.
Bargaining Update
We met with management for our 6th and 7th days of bargaining on Monday and Tuesday of this week and made modest headway in coming to agreement on some of the smaller articles – the harder issues of wages, preservation of our ratios and clinical service lines (both of which management wants to take away), and maintaining the charge nurse position (management wants ANMs to pick up charge nurse work) will require a lot of work both at the table, but especially from all of us. Keep reading to find out what you can do to maximize our strength and unity as we tackle the make-or-break issues.
Union Rights
Do you know your Weingarten rights?
Weingarten rights are guaranteed from a Supreme Court case, and state that you can have a Union Representative come with you to any investigatory meeting or any meeting that you believe could lead to discipline. You must state that you want a Union Representative present prior to or during the interview. If a Rep is not immediately available, the Employer has two options:
- Reschedule the meeting for a time when a Rep is available, or
- End the meeting immediately
If you are unsure of the nature of the meeting, ask your Employer if the meeting is investigatory in nature or could lead to discipline. They are required to disclose this information. If an Employer insists that the meeting must continue, attend the meeting but you are under no obligation to answer management’s questions. Management cannot discipline or retaliate against you for asserting your right to a Union rep.
Do you have concerns that your rights have been violated? Please contact your Nurse Rep, Brenda Balogh, at bbalogh@wsna.org.
Stay Strong, Stay Involved, Stay Blue!
Tonight: Thirsty Thursdays are our online meeting place for updates and questions. Please join us every Thursday from 2000-2100.
Contact one of your officers or check your email for the notification with the Teams Meeting link.
Bill, can you hear us?
Add your name to the letter to Bill Robertson demanding a fair contract. Every bargaining unit nurse needs to sign to send a clear message to Bill that we are united, we are strong, and we won’t settle for a contract that is disrespectful to dedicated nurses and ultimately damaging to our patients. Ask your unit rep, local unit officers, or WSNA organizer Crystal Doll (Cdoll@wsna.org) about how you can add your name to this letter and get a copy yourself to have your coworkers sign.
Blue Friday
Show your true colors tomorrow! Wear WSNA blue, your WSNA T-shirt, or any WSNA gear you have and show your support for our contract fight. ALERT: we’re hearing that certain departments are violating federal labor law and telling nurses that they cannot wear WSNA t-shirts. If this happens to you, ask if you will be disciplined if you do wear your shirt. If the answer is yes, comply but let Nurse Rep Brenda Balogh (bbalogh@wsna.org) know right away! Some Tacoma General managers have been toeing the line on illegal labor moves and need some education.
In solidarity,
Your bargaining team:
Danielle O’ Toole, Local Unit Chair, Resource
Liz Leske, Secretary, PACU
Michelle Stevenson, Grievance Officer, Med Surg
Matt Dustin, NT ICU
Mallory Gregoire, Med Onc
Liana Delacorte, ED
Cherrie Griffith, Grievance Officer, Med Surg
Jess Oyler, OR
Cameron Warriner, NICU
Brenda Bowhay, Grievance Officer, FBC
Colin Bishop, PULSE
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Brenda Balogh at bbalogh@wsna.org.