
How is break relief working on your unit?

In the spring of 2019, WSNA officers at TG began meeting with TG managers to work on implementing full break relief throughout the hospital. We started by collecting survey data for how breaks are working on your unit. Now it’s time to find out if the new break relief system is working for you. We will compare data collected earlier this year with this new data. If you did not complete the survey this spring, we still want your input now.

Please take this two-minute survey before midnight on Nov. 20 (and encourage your colleagues to take it too). All responses are confidential unless you wish to be contacted.

When you complete the survey, you will be directed to a WSNA web page to read about our new online staffing complaint form. This form serves many purposes. First and foremost, it is a tool to track staffing issues. Every submitted form is discussed at the monthly staffing committee meetings. WSNA officers use these submitted forms to fix staffing issues at TG.

  1. Read about the form
  2. “Launch” a form
  3. Complete a practice version to see how easy (and quick) it is!

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sydne James at sjames@wsna.org.