
It Begins! Negotiation Day 1

Negotiations with management commenced today after many weeks of back and forth to find dates that worked for both sides. The bargaining team was able to present a comprehensive contract proposal with almost all of our desired changes. There will be additional proposals on subsequent dates for a few reserved topics or if in the process of the negotiations the need for additional changes become apparent.

Your staff bargaining team members have put in many hours into meetings during the prep phase and are confident that the proposals being presented will have significant positive affects for the members, Please be sure to wear your “We support or bargaining team” stickers and pay attention to our communications for updates after each session. If you would like to be an observer or speak on the behalf of one of our proposals please reach out to one of the officers or unit representatives.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jennifer Jackson at  jjackson@wsna.org.