
Important updates:

Negotiations Update

The hospital cancelled our last two sessions for negotiations. The hospital’s attorney has not yet been approved by the bankruptcy court to conduct negotiations on behalf of the employer. We are scheduled for July 10 and are looking for more dates as we were assured this legal hurdle should be resolved.

Change in security hours

The hours of security at the hospital have been decreased. If you have had any issues due to the lack of security, please contact your nurse representative, Carmen Garrison, at cgarrison@wsna.org or (206) 491-9424.

Termination of employment and vacation cash out

It has come to our attention that nurses are not getting their vacation pay cash out upon termination of employment at Astria Sunnyside. Article 10.3 of our contract requires the hospital to cash out your vacation leave balance upon termination. If you know of anyone who has given their notice to resign or retire from employment at Astria Sunnyside after Astria filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy, please let your nurse representative know as soon as possible. You can contact Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org or by phone (206) 491-9424. We have filed an association grievance regarding this matter and want to include all affected nurses. WSNA will continue to enforce our contract!

ADOs are now available online

You can now fill out your ADO online. We have been waiting for a long time and the option is now here. This is the preferred method of completing an ADO. When you fill it out, a copy automatically goes to the Chair and Co-Chair, the Co-Chairs of the Staffing Committee, and your nurse rep from WSNA. Please include your manager’s email address so a copy will go directly to them as well. Follow this link Staffing Complaint Form/ADO or go to wsna.org then click on "Staffing Complaint / ADO form".

Your Bargaining Team Members: Lovella Flores, Marisela Aguilar, Lori Riojas, Cheryl Bofman, Janice Schell.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org or (206) 491-9424.