
Virtual local unit meeting tomorrow

Your bargaining team is still hard at work, volunteering their time, negotiating your union contract with Providence. We have completed 7 sessions with more dates in the coming weeks and have a lot to talk about. Your local unit officers and WSNA Rep ask you to please join us for a virtual local unit meeting if you are able!

Tuesday, July 9 

Two options:

4:30-5:30 pm 

7-8 pm

Click below to join us on Teams.

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 251 466 101 78

Passcode: mCNtg3

Mark that calendar: Upcoming bargaining dates announced 

July 25 - the team will meet virtually on Teams

August 2 - the team will be in person at St. Luke’s

Observers make a difference and show Providence that you are paying attention. Please reach out to an officer or your WSNA Nurse Rep to sign up! You can join the team for a half or whole day. Snacks provided.

In solidarity your bargaining team,

Jeff Dubrawski RN WSNA Chair
Megan Iata RN WSNA Co-Chair
Erika Lee RN WSNA Treasurer
Allison White RN WSNA Secretary
Noel Wise RN WSNA Grievance Officer

Contact your WSNA Nurse Representative Alle Machorro with any questions or to get signed up to observe at amachorro@wsna.org or 206-707-2048.