What Do We Want? A FAIR CONTRACT! When Do We Want it? NOW!
Posted Apr 22, 2024

Last Thursday hundreds of nurses, union members, lawmakers, community leaders and even the mayor, all turned out on the picket line to show support for our fight for a fair contract! We had an amazing, energetic, and inspiring show of solidarity and power.
In addition to a diverse turnout, Portland area media has also taken an interest in our fight for a fair contract! Check out the links below to read and view some of the recent media coverage.

We are back at the bargaining table tomorrow. This will be the first time that we will be meeting with a federal mediator. Unfortunately, observers are not allowed in Federal mediation. So, do not plan on attending tomorrow. That said, we will be bargaining on May 15 without a mediator. WSNA members are welcome to attend that bargaining session. To observe the bargaining session on May 15, 2024 Email sscholl@wsna.org to RSVP.
Sip and Chat Tomorrow!
Join bargaining team members tomorrow from 1800-1930 for next “Sip and Chat” meeting. “Sip and Chats” occur every Tuesday from 1800-1930 while we are in negotiations. Click the link to join via Microsoft Teams or call in (206) 485-2614; Passcode: 864004705# to join.
Follow us on Instagram for the latest from your bargaining team … https://www.instagram.com/phsw_nurses?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==.
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Team
WSNA Co-Chair Didi Gray, Family Birth; WSNA Co-Chair Dawn Marick, Resource team; Secretary/Treasurer Duncan Camacho, ICU; Grievance Officer Erin Irwin, CVICU; Member at Large Talitha Wilson, ED; Dillon LeSieur, RRT/Critical Care; Dustin Weddle, ED; Jeryl Anderson, Case Management; Brooke Churchman, Home Hospice; Samantha Golden, IMCU; Joan Ngarachu, PACU; Toutu Rekucki, Cardiology
Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Travis Elmore Nelson at telmore@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract.