March 2023 Newsletter
Posted Mar 2, 2023
In this issue:
- Rounding in MyTime
- Staffing Grievance Filed
- ADO/Staffing Concern Form
- Legislative Action
- Contract Corner
- Education Funds and Time
- Biennial Washington State Nurses Convention
- Nurses Week
- WSNA Unit Reps
- Our WSNA Local Unit Website
Rounding in MyTime
You have probably received a notice from PeaceHealth Southwest that they intend to make changes to the rounding of time for clocking in and out, as well as make changes to how rest less than 10 hours is calculated in terms of overtime calculations.
This is a unilateral change in hours, wages, and working conditions which is a mandatory subject of bargaining.
PeaceHealth’s decision to implement this change without bargaining is a violation of federal labor laws and WSNA has demanded to bargain. Stay tuned for updates as we meet with management on March 7, 2023.
Staffing Grievance Filed
WSNA has received hundreds of ADO forms that describe the staffing shortages you have all been experiencing daily. With record numbers of ADOs being filed, PeaceHealth thought it wise to discontinue the incentive program of CES 3 (Compensation for Extra Shift). WSNA believes this is shortsighted and further exacerbates the staffing crisis we are currently in. WSNA filed a grievance against PHSW for its consistent violation of our collective bargaining agreement on staffing. WSNA met with management for our step 3 meeting where over 250 nurses logged into the Teams meeting virtually to show their support for the Association’s grievance and let PH know that the staffing crisis must be addressed and fixed immediately. Management reached out to WSNA requesting additional time to respond to the grievance stating they were having serious conversations and need until March 16, 2023 to respond thoughtfully. We are hopeful your voices will resonate, and we will see a positive changes in staffing.
Contract Language
21.3.1 Quality of care and the safety of all patients are of paramount concern to the Hospital and the nursing staff who provide care for our patients. he Hospital is committed to partnering with the nurses to design care delivery that includes an appropriate skill mix of the registered nurses and other nursing personnel, layout of the units, patient acuity considerations, national standards and recommendations for the Nurse Staffing Committee.
21.3.2 The Medical Center’s staffing plan and its implementation shall in no event violate the following commitments. Each unit in the Medical Center’s facilities shall maintain staffing levels that provide for safe patient care and the health and safety of nurses. In order to provide safe patient care, the Medical Center shall: Provide staffing levels that enable RNs the opportunity to receive meal and rest breaks. Provide staffing levels that enable RNs to utilize their accrued paid time off pursuant to 11.2.4. Except in emergent circumstances, refrain from assigning RNs to provide care to more patients than anticipated by the agreed staffing matrix and relevant safety requirements. The parties agree that Charge RNs will not receive a patient care assignment, whenever possible.
ADO/Staffing Concern Form (Assignment Despite Objection)
Filling out ADOs make a difference. Please continue to document any of your staffing concerns with the online form. Save the link/QR code on your phone.
No Retaliation!
Our WSNA contract and the law both prohibit retaliation against nurses for filing a staffing complaint/ADO. If you experience retaliation notify one of our WSNA Local Unit Officers or Nurse Rep immediately.
Link to file an ADO:
You can take a photo of this QR and save it to your phone for a direct link to our electronic ADO.

Legislative Action
WSNA legislative department is working hard on the efforts of all nurses in the state to address the chronic staffing issues we face daily. Please add your voice to the fight to secure safe minimum staffing standards by following the link below to support the bill.
Contract Corner
Welcome to Contract Corner! Our goal is to get you acquainted with your RN ‘Contract’ (otherwise known as your Collective Bargaining Agreement). This is the Contract between the Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA) and PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center (PHSW). It is specific to the Registered Nurses at PHSW and filled with important Articles that define or relate to: your working conditions, your protections, the grievance process and more.
Education Funds and Time
17.3.4 The Medical Center will make available up to a total of $50,000 in each fiscal year for the registration costs of eligible RNs (excluding CNMs and ARNPs) to attend approved education courses held away from Medical Center premises. From that fund, disbursements will be made upon written request and documentation, in order of receipt, up to a maximum of $300 per eligible RN per fiscal year. There will be no carryover of any year's unused funds to the next fiscal year beginning July 1. Each July, the conference committee will conduct a review of the administration of this section.
17.3 Education Leave: The Medical Center will make available up to twenty-four (24) paid education hours per fiscal year for each non-exempt RN to attend education programs offered either by the Medical Center or by outside organizations.
Biennial Washington State Nurses Convention
Join nurses from around the state at the biennial Washington State Nurses Convention being held May 17, 2023 – May 19, 2023, in Tacoma at the Convention Center.
Part of your WSNA dues go into your local unit funds to be utilized on your behalf. The officers agreed to underwrite the total costs for 10 nurses to attend this event and there is still ONE more space left! First come – first serve, email Nurse Rep Mara at
You can also potentially tap into your WSNA Contract benefits utilizing your 24 hours of education and $300.00 reimbursement (prior authorization is strongly encouraged so that we would have time to address any obstacles).
You may also tap into an additional resource with applying for continuing education financial assistance of up to $250.00 from the Southwest Region Nurses Association with whom you are all members of as well!
Apply at
For more information about the convention go to
Nurses Week
Stay tuned for information on a WSNA-hosted event to honor your dedication to your patients and your practice.
WSNA Unit Reps
A Unit Rep is one of the most important positions to have filled to have a strong and effective union - even though the time commitment is minimal. Unit reps are the ears of the units who can relay “local” issues to your officers so that they can be addressed in our monthly conference committee, staffing committee, or other various venues where we address the concerns of the nurses.
Our goal is a 1:10 ratio (1 rep for every 10 WSNA members). If you want to get more involved with the union, do you like to be the first in the know about what is happening and share it with your peers, then this is for you.
If you would like more information about the Unit Rep positions, please contact any Local Unit Officer, Organizer Will Nesper at or Nurse Rep Mara at
Our WSNA Local Unit Website
We have our own local unit WSNA website! If you want to see our contract and past communications or get in touch with a Unit Rep, Local Unit Officer, or Nurse Rep, check out our page at
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Rep, Mara Kieval at