Bargaining update – Day 4
Posted Feb 2, 2024

On February 2, 2024, our contract negotiation team met with PeaceHealth Southwest administration for our 3rd day of in person negotiations. We are halfway through the scheduled bargaining sessions!
WSNA and PeaceHealth agreed to a few nonfinancial tentative agreements. However, management is still withholding any proposals related to wages, premiums, and other economic items. PeaceHealth continues to say no to staffing ratios and standards that we believe will retain RNs and keep you safe. The insinuation at the table was that the RNs at PHSW have NO POWER. We know better! That is why we have created a petition that we will be presenting to hospital management. It is extremely important that every single WSNA RN at the medical center sign! Contact one of the negotiation team members or WSNA Organizer Sam Scholl for copies or to sign the petition.

Today your bargaining team posted the messages that many of you put on big sticky notes! We asked management to read the messages you composed! Management resisted initially, but came back and read the messages after we wrapped up bargaining for the day.
“Sip and Chat” updates are here! While we are in negotiations, bargaining team members will be hosting informal union meetings with WSNA members. Our first meeting will be on Saturday, February 10 from 1800 – 2000. Click the button to join via Microsoft Teams or call in (206) 485-2614; Passcode: 864004705# to join!
WSNA is requesting that EVERY NURSE wear a “I Support My Bargaining Team" sticker on negotiation days. Please contact a member of the bargaining team or WSNA Organizer Sam Scholl for a sticker. Send us your pictures or share on Instagram at
Please follow “Vancouver RN’s Care for US” on Facebook.
Be an activist. Contact our Organizer Sammy Scholl for more ways to be involved. Cell: 425-606-7036,
We have 4 bargaining sessions left before the contract expires! They are on February 9, 12, 21 and 23! We hope that management shows you the respect you deserve, by bringing their economic proposal to our next bargaining session.
Observe the bargaining session on February 9, 2024. Email to RSVP.
Stay tuned! We will be throwing a button making party. Yard Signs and Car Signs are also coming. Details to come soon.
Become a member, make our voice stronger!
Contact if you are not getting emails from WSNA. Also, please remember to check your junk mail.
In Solidarity,
WSNA Co-Chair Didi Gray, Family Birth; WSNA Co-Chair Dawn Merick, Resource team; Secretary/Treasurer Duncan Camacho, ICU; Grievance Officer Erin Irwin, CVICU; Member at Large Talitha Wilson, ED; Dillon LeSieur, RRT/Critical Care; Dustin Weddle, ED; Jeryl Anderson, Case Management; Brooke Churchman, Home Hospice; Samantha Golden, IMCU; Joan Ngarachu, PACU; Toutu Rekucki, Cardiology
Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Travis Elmore Nelson at or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract.