
We’re as committed as ever

CNO Susan Stacey sent out an email on Monday with an underhanded implication that WSNA’s tentative agreement at Kadlec has a direct impact on our contract negotiations at Sacred Heart. This is false. It is wrong and offensive, again.

We remain as committed as ever to doing whatever it takes – up to and including going on strike – to get the contract Sacred Heart nurses deserve. That hasn’t changed.

Our next negotiation session with a federal mediator is scheduled for Dec.11.

We will continue to fight back on offensive Providence Sacred Heart proposals to eliminate EIT, slash PTO and shove the cost of sick time onto the backs of hardworking taxpayers through the state’s new Family and Medical Leave plan. That hasn’t changed.

We are moving forward with strike committee meetings and trainings to make sure we’re prepared to strike. That hasn’t changed.

The only thing that has changed as the result of the TA at Kadlec is that they have a TA at Kadlec. No matter what Providence Sacred Heart tries to tell you.

Mark your calendar:

Local unit meeting
Dec. 12, 2019
8 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 8 p.m.
Spokane Labor Council
510 S Elm

You are welcome to submit your questions to SHMC@wsna.org in advance.

Sign up today to be a strike picket captain, e-mail WSNA Nurse Rep Jaclyn Perkins at jperkins@wsna.org to sign up or if you have questions.