We voted to authorize a strike
Posted Oct 25, 2019
Sacred Heart nurses showed up in record numbers to vote on October 24 and 25, and by an overwhelming majority, we voted to authorize a strike.
Your voice matters, and your bargaining team heads back to the table on Oct. 29 with a clear message to management that we are willing to do whatever it takes to get a fair contract, including going on strike.
When a strike is called, WSNA will give the legally required 10-days’ notice to Providence Sacred Heart prior to the strike.
With this vote, we made a clear and powerful statement that we will keep fighting for safe staffing and working conditions that allow all of us to care for our families and our patients. Meanwhile, Providence seeks to slash nurses’ earned benefits, including sick time, even as its multi-state system is collecting record profits and giving extravagant raises to executives.
We are standing up in the face of troubling and illegal actions by Providence, actions aimed at diminishing our power, including interfering with nurses’ right to concerted activity and failing to bargain in good faith. We believe management has committed multiple Unfair Labor Practices. We have filed a ULP against Sacred Heart, and WSNA will declare a ULP strike if there is one.
We will continue fighting for a contract that protects our families, our patients and our community.

Your negotiating team,
Stevie Lynne Krone - 9N, KT Raley-Jones – CICU, Clint Wallace – ICU, LaDonna Reel – MB, Darryl Johnson – CICU, Nonie Kingma – AGPU, Vicki Benson – Radiology, Linda Clanton - IV therapy, David Emerson - 7N
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jaclyn Perkins, BSN, RN at 800-231-8482, ext. 3118 or jperkins@wsna.org.