The contract has been RATIFIED!
Posted Jan 19, 2023

Yesterday, the nurses of Providence Sacred Heart turned out in large numbers to cast their vote on the new, proposed contract. We are thrilled to report, an overwhelming majority voted “YES” to ratify the new agreement! Congratulations nurses!
Next steps – In the coming weeks, the contract will be formatted with all the new changes, and carefully constructed to ensure all of the new language is present. Once this occurs, we will notify you when it’s ready for download and safekeeping.
A BIG thank you to the hard-working nurses of the WSNA Negotiating Team!
Clint Wallace, ICU WSNA CoChair
Alyssa Boldt, 9N WSNA CoChair
Jen Haines, NICU WSNA Secretary
Rian Williams, NICU WSNA Treasurer
Wendy McNairy, ECT WSNA Grievance Officer
Jessica Lewellen, AGPU WSNA Mem-at-Large
Alle Machorro, ICU WSNA Mem-at-Large
Kaila Phillips General Care Unit
Kelsey South Adult ED
Allison Raasina Operating Room
Cindy Escamilla-Patterson Clinical Documentational Specialist
Other questions: Contact Nurse Representative Jaclyn Smedley BSN, RN at