Nov. 18, WSNA Conference Committee Update
Posted Nov 19, 2020
Each month, your Local Unit Officers and Nurse Representative meet to discuss internal labor issues in collaboration with SHMC management. Topics for Conference Committee are issues that arise but are not spoken to in the contract. Below is an update for what was discussed during the Nov. 18 Conference Committee, which includes important information about what to do in the event of COVID exposure/symptoms and what payment options are available to caregivers who are unable to work due to a pending test or a positive result. This information is what Management has communicated to us as of Nov. 18 and could be subject to change. As your WSNA representatives, we work to get information to you as quickly as possible, so nurses can be informed about ways to protect themselves or handle difficult situations when dealing with an exposure or becoming sick. In the event you would like an issue to be addressed through the WSNA Conference Committee, you may contact a Local Unit Officer or your Nurse Representative, Jaclyn Perkins BSN, RN at
Summary of our 11-18-2020 meeting:
N95s in ED Triage-
- Management confirmed that N95s are available for triage and ED staff, and will review if their use is being encouraged in that department.
COVID Exposures – Management has told us nurses are to report these to Sedgwick.
- If you have a work exposure, you need to file an incident report through Sedgwick in the HR portal, regardless of a positive or negative test result.
- If you are positive, go back into Sedgwick to file an actual CLAIM to protect your pay through Leaves.
Safety Committee will start back up in January, likely virtually.
Bump and float issues – Nurses were being called in to work which would result in bumping another nurse to work on a different unit.
- Management has told us that IRC did not know about this particular rule at the time in Women’s Services area, which was a mistake. They have educated their staffers to prevent this from happening again.
Safety on Units with Outbreaks - Management was asked if reinforcement of infection control in the case of COVID can occur on units starting to take more COVID patients – They will distribute more Infection Control and Donning/Doffing PPE posters to units in need of these. Proper entry and exit protocols are essential to keep staff safe.
Staffing to Accommodate Possible Surge in COVID Cases – Management approached us to open a dialogue in discussing creative solutions to accommodate possible surges in COVID cases. We will continue to work on what options are available, and what new ideas can be entertained to protect nurses and help to bolster the workforce. More to come on this.
** In addition, Management communicated, on Oct. 15, the following process related to exposures:
Caregiver Testing/Return to Work: Here is the information from the Caregiver Health team per Human Resources:
WHERE CAN CGS BE TESTED: The McClellan location has agreed to perform testing for caregivers, at no cost to them, as a courtesy and means to ease their way. CG can choose to be tested as a patient at the location of their choice if they are unable to wait until McClellan is open, but those locations will bill insurance as with any other patient. We ask that those caregivers who get tested elsewhere contact the Caregiver Health Call Center at 949-534-4450 to report their results and receive guidance for return to work. We will accept results from other providers but require the caregiver provide a copy of their results so that we can update their Caregiver Health Record. McClellan is available to provide CG testing Mon – Friday 7:30 am – 5 pm closed 12-1 for lunch.
PAY WHILE OFF DUE TO TESTING/ILLNESS: For Validated work exposure: Admin pandemic pay while awaiting results. If positive, submit a workers’ compensation claim through Sedgwick and will be paid through the workers’ compensation process. Community exposure: Negative results: first 7 days missed paid out of caregiver’s accrued time (EIB, PTO, Safe Sick or unpaid if they have insufficient balance). After 7 days, admin pandemic pay. Positive result: file for medical leave through Sedgwick and use paid time until exhausted. If still excluded from work, even though RNs did not choose the short-term disability pay program, Providence is providing 65% wage replacement benefit.
RETURN TO WORK PROTOCOL: There are three ways for a Caregiver who is symptomatic to be cleared to return to work. They are:
- Exclude for 10 days from symptoms onset, be fever free for >24 hours and resolving symptoms
- IF symptoms are resolved and initial test is negative, may seek second test. If negative, may be returned to work prior to 10 days.
- May seek alternate diagnosis via a medical provider such as their PCP or express care virtual. If a medical note is provided indicating symptoms are unrelated to COVID, caregiver may be returned to work based on that note.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jaclyn Perkins at