Newsletter June 2020
Posted Jun 5, 2020
In this issue:
- New local unit officers and committee members elected!
- PTO Sick follow up - What is my obligation?
- Update from the Group Grievance Corner.
- Memorandum of Understanding added to your contract - L2E is now General Care Unit.
- Where is my new contract?
- How do I contact a Local Unit Officer or my Nurse Representative?
New local unit officers/committee members are elected!
The election results and appointments by the officers are complete. Thank you to those who took the time to vote, and to the previous officers for their endless commitment to WSNA at Sacred Heart. If you see one of the following nurses on your floor, please congratulate them on their new position!

Staffing Committee
(6 positions appointed by officers):
Kacie Bramell (CoChair of Staffing Committee) (ED)
Nonie Kingma (Adult Psych, AGPU)
Vicki Benson (Radiology)
Karen Deason (Cardiac Care)
Raul Gatchalian (7N Medical)
Tom Barnett (CICU)
Nurse Practice Committee
(5 positions elected by the bargaining unit):
Kathy (Mary) Moffatt (9N Cardiac Medical)
Leah Nichols (IVT)
Ginger Kennedy (9N Cardiac Medical)
Stevie Krone (9N Cardiac Medical)
Hannah Coburn (L & D)
Safety Committee
(2 positions elected by the bargaining unit):
Jennifer Helton (9N)
Stevie Krone (9N Cardiac Medical)
Workplace Violence Committee
(4 positions appointed by officers):
Stevie Krone (9N Cardiac Medical)
Jessica Lewellen (Psych)
Jennifer Britton (IVT)
Robyn Maehren (ER)
Delegates to the Spokane Labor Council
(5 delegate seats, 5 alternates, appointed by officers):
Katie Martes (Psych)
Jessica Lewellen (Psych)
Robin Baumgarten (Day Surgery)
Christina “Tina” Benzo, (Adult ED)
Hannah Coburn (L & D)
PTO Sick follow up - What is my obligation?
Recently, we were notified by nurses that Management was taking their new PTO Sick time out prior to any other accruals when they choose to call in. This issue was addressed by your WSNA Officers during your WSNA Conference Committee on May 20 and it was communicated to us that in the event a nurse calls in sick, the default will be to pull from the PTO Sick bank first. WSNA reiterated nurses have the choice to use this time as they choose and should not be mandated. Management agreed with us but conveyed that it is up to the nurse to make the intent clear as to what bank they would like to utilize when calling in. In the event a nurse does not specify, the default will be to pull from the PTO Sick bank first.
Nurses - keep this in mind in the event you do not want to use your PTO Sick time before other accruals. If you are told you must use PTO Sick first, this is not okay and could constitute a grievance. Contact your WSNA Nurse Rep in the event you have trouble with this.
Update from the Group Grievance Corner
Several grievances are currently being processed on behalf of YOU, the bargaining unit. Here is a quick summary of each to keep you in “the know”. While these grievances apply to everyone, it’s always helpful to know who is impacted directly. If you feel you have been harmed by any of these issues, contract your Nurse Rep to let her know.
PTO Accrual issue – We have been alerted from nurses that their accrual rates for PTO and EIT are less than what is provided for in the contract. WSNA has filed a group grievance on this, and it is currently being investigated.
Supplemental Nurse Cancellation Issue – We have been alerted that Management canceled supplemental shifts out of turn after the schedule had been posted. Management has agreed to retro pay nurses for confirmed lost shifts and this group grievance is currently in the settlement process. Thank you to those supplemental nurses who took the time to fill out the survey!
CRNA Students working in the CICU, SPU and ICU – We have heard during the pandemic, the CRNA students were allowed to pick up supplemental shifts prior to the shifts being offered to the RN’s in the WSNA bargaining unit. This grievance is being heard at step one of the grievance process soon
Memorandum of Understanding added to your contract - L2E is now General Care Unit
Recently, Management has told us they are changing the name of L2E to General Care Unit. L2E was the physical location where long stay, non-medical patients were housed. To bring the contract up to date on this name change, an MOU was discussed and agreed upon in partnership with your WSNA Officers. Click on the button below to download and print the MOU to keep safe with a copy of your contract.
Where is my new contract?
Your new contract is ready for signatures by your hardworking negotiating team! At this time, we are working to collect signatures and once this is done it will be uploaded to your WSNA/SHMC Local Unit web page. Notification of this will be sent out to let you know it’s ready for viewing. Thank you for your patience and persistence!
How do I contact a Local Unit Officer or my Nurse Representative?
In the event you are being called into a meeting with Management or HR and you would like to bring union representation with you, contact Voice Tel and leave an automated message. One of your Local Unit Officers will respond to your message and give you a call.
Voice Tel # - 1-866-305-5612
If you are experiencing other issues or have a contract question or concern contact your WSNA Nurse Representative, Jaclyn Perkins BSN RN at