
Mediation update

As promised, we continued our advocacy for safe staffing and a safe workplace for our nurses and patients. And we continued to fight back on Management’s proposals to eliminate EIT and slash PTO while shoving the cost of sick time onto the backs of hardworking taxpayers through the state’s new Family and Medical Leave plan. Our strike preparation and coalition involvement have been effective in moving Management’s proposal, but there is still a long way to go.

Management’s proposal still includes a short-term disability plan. Their proposal allows nurses employed as of Dec 31, 2019 to retain their current PTO accrual while nurses hired after January 1, 2020 would be subject to the new PTO accruals. Their proposal also eliminates EIT accrual after 2019, freezes EIT banks for current nurses, and allows EIT balance to be used for all purposes currently allowed as well as topping off new short-term disability or Washington paid family leave plan.

Our resolve to continue fighting to maintain our benefits for ALL nurses has not waivered. Full steam ahead with our strike preparation.

For a complete strike update, progress on strike committee prep, and details on mediation, be sure to attend the upcoming local unit meeting tomorrow.

Local unit meeting
Dec. 12, 2019
8 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 8 p.m.
Spokane Labor Council
510 S Elm

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jaclyn Perkins at jperkins@wsna.org.