Communication you can trust!
Posted Aug 9, 2019

Management’s recent communication update sent to the nurses of Sacred Heart was not jointly written with WSNA. We do not support it and are disappointed in the continued reinforcement of proposals that include loss of sick time and inadequate staffing for the nurses.
WSNA has proposed increases to accruals, wages, and safe staffing yet we feel our proposals have fallen on deaf ears. Management wants you to accept the loss of your hard earned EIT in exchange for an unpredictable Short-Term Disability plan. A few things you should know:
- We believe that Sacred Heart is proposing a Short-Term Disability plan for financial reasons and not to provide “better” benefits for its nurses. We believe they want to remove the liability of the accrued EIT hours that you have worked hard and long to earn off their financial books.
- Management has indicated in their communication that you will earn PTO at your current accrual rate for another year. But what they fail to mention is that under their proposal, PTO accrual rates will go down for most years of service after that! Furthermore, when your loved ones are sick, you cannot use Short-Term Disability at all but must use your PTO after your EIT goes away. The question becomes, when will you ever get a vacation?
- Management has told you that you can use your EIT balances for 2 years, but what they don’t tell you is that they are proposing to “freeze” your EIT banks. New hires will not receive any EIT, and current nurses will not be able to accrue any more EIT. Nurses will only be able to tap into their EIT over the next two years under certain conditions. Then, it will go away - for good.
- Management has proposed that you must go through a third-party administrator to have your claims for Short-Term Disability approved.
- Management has said “they have heard your concerns and they have addressed them” in their recent communication. What WSNA has heard from you, is that you want to save your sick time. Therefore, we don’t feel management has addressed any of your concerns at all.
What is really going on at the table?
WSNA has proposed safe staffing language and increases to wages. We have proposed across-the-board increases of 5% in the first year, 3.75% in the second year, and 3.75% in the third year, plus enhancements to the current step schedule. We are proposing that first year wage become effective retroactively to Jan 1, 2019. Management is proposing 2% (effective when the contract is ratified), 1.75% the second year, and 1.5% the third year.
Management has also proposed to add “variable” shifts to the Adult and Peds ED. This would create positions that include mandatory rotational shifts from day-evening, evening-night etc. In the event the hospital finds this to be beneficial, they are proposing language to have it expand to additional units. This is not okay and not safe! Not only will nurses not have adequate rest, but your family life will become disrupted!
Enough is enough…
It’s time to put the nurses into critical action once and for all. WSNA Leaders will be holding Rapid Response Organizer training (RRO) to begin strike assessment. As we engage in our fight for the contract that our patients need and our nurses deserve, we have to be prepared for the battle, one that may lead to a strike if necessary. The fight for a fair contract will require organizing a credible strike threat against Providence Sacred Heart. Rapid Response Organizers will have the important job of talking to nurses and assessing their readiness to strike if necessary to get the contract patients need and nurses deserve. If you have signed up to be an RRO or feel you can serve in this role, please attend one of the trainings listed below. We need all hands-on deck!

We have spoken, now it’s time to act! Activist RRO Strike Prep training:
Aug 20, 2-hour training sessions at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. (Spokane Labor Council - 510 S. Elm)
Aug 22, 2-hour training sessions at 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. (Teamsters Hall - 1912 N. Division St.)
There is much work to be done before a strike authorization vote. We will be discussing our plans to engage every RN to present a strong united front telling administration we stand united, and we have had enough!
If we want better, we have to do more.
Sign up to be an RRO if you have not done so already!

SAVE THE DATE! Local Unit Meetings to Launch a Strike Assessment!
As promised, your WSNA officers and bargaining team are moving forward with local unit meetings to launch a strike assessment. Come get your questions answered about a potential strike, sign up to be an activist in this movement and show management enough is enough!
Teamsters Hall - 1912 N. Division St.
Wednesday, Aug 21: 8 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Do you want meaningful staffing language in your contract? Are you beyond ready to tell management that you will do whatever is needed, for however long it takes, to have the staffing we need to deliver safe patient care every shift and to protect our hard earned benefits? Every single one of us is going to have to be ready and willing to sign up for strike committees, sign up for picket shifts and commit to standing in unity if we are going to succeed.
At these meetings, we will address your questions about a potential strike and what we need to do to make this a successful strike.
If you have any questions on negotiations or other happenings at the table, call Jaclyn Perkins BSN, RN, at 1-800-231-8482, ext. 3118 or contact by email at