Bargaining Unit Newsletter August 2024
Posted Aug 15, 2024
PCCA Unit Closure/Rally for Accountability! September 5 at 6 p.m. Cowley Park
The PCCA unit was the inpatient adolescent psychiatric unit at Providence Sacred Heart, with a capacity of 25 beds (including an acute care area for patients dealing with high risk for harm to themselves and others). Providing Mental Health Counselors 24/7, in addition to nursing staff, this unit served patients with neurological disorders, chronic medical conditions (to include diabetes) and those with severe behavioral issues.
The closure of PCCA has been devastating for our nurses, and our community. Providence has not provided an alternative option for these patients, nor have they provided additional staff internally to absorb the impact of the loss of the unit. Our community now no longer has any acute hospital resources for in patient needs when an adolescent is in a mental health crisis. For families to travel to a hospital on the west side of the state, not only will this add a burden to those families, but they will be divided due to where they live.
Enough is enough. It's time to rally up, and demand Providence do better! To suddenly do away with these resources is not only devastating for our nurses and their families, but also the less fortunate families and children of Spokane. Now, kids who didn’t have many options, have fewer options. It’s not okay.
Join us for WSNA’s “Rally for Accountability”
September 5 at 6 p.m.
Cowley Park (public park below the Children’s Hospital)
This is a family friendly event. Bring your family, neighbors, or coworkers. We are standing strong together to send a message to the community, that despite the choices Providence chooses to make, nurses care about you!
Intermittent Rest Breaks are Illegal for Nurses
We have been hearing that on various floors, if nurses stop to use the rest room, or get a drink of water this time adds up to complete your rest break and you therefore, took your rest break. This application is illegal, and intermittent rest breaks are not conducive to the nature of our work as RNs. In addition to the law on rest breaks, the WSNA contract in article 8.5 is clear. The language says, “rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes for each four (4) hour period shall be provided.”
To view more information on rest breaks, view the Info to Go document.
If your manager is implementing intermittent rest breaks it illegal and a contract violation. Contact your Nurse Representative right away to discuss the grievance process.
South Association Group Grievance – PTO Unilaterally Denied
Congratulations to the nurses of Providence Sacred Heart for a recent pre-arbitration settlement around the PTO approval process! This is a WIN! This grievance served to argue the application of article 10.5 and management lack of using the correct approval process. After almost two years of processing the grievance, and within one week of taking the case to arbitration, Sacred Heart reached out and asked to settle the matter. As a result, the following settlement was achieved.
View the settlement on the local unit web page.
Key points of the settlement:
- When management receives a request for time off, they MUST send an email to all part time and supplemental nurses in the department seeking their availability to fill the request.
- If a supplemental fills a shift for another RN that was created by a PTO, PTO Safe Sick, EIT or Leave of Absence then such coverage WILL count towards the supplemental’s staffs obligations.
- SHMC will not maintain fixed guidelines for how many staff can be away from work at one time.
This grievance is one of many being processed now for nurses. Remember, if a situation doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Call your Nurse Representative to find out if the issue is a grievance or not.
Unfair Labor Practice Filed for Clocking in and Out for Meal Breaks
The unilateral implementation of clocking in an out for meals has not only been cumbersome, it has put an additional burden on our nurses. WSNA has reached out to management demanding to bargain this issue, and management has told us they believe they do not need to bargain the matter.
Therefore, an Unfair Labor Practice has been filed, which is a charge brought before the National Labor Relations Board, where WSNA has indicated Providence Sacred Heart has violated labor law. Remember, anything that has to do with hours, wages and working conditions are ALL MANDATORY subjects of bargaining and must be bargained. We will keep you apprised of any developments to this issue as they come. If rules on your unit have changed as a result of the new requirements of clocking in and out, please contact your Nurse Representative to convey those changes. We are actively collecting information for the charge to provide to the Board Agent.
View the Unfair Labor Practice Charge.
WSNA Treasurer’s Report from Maurya Robinson RN CARA Unit
What many WSNA nurses don’t know, or realize, is that 4% of the dues that are paid to WSNA each month, are returned to the local unit in the form of a Local Unit Fund account held by the WSNA Officers to support the actives of the local unit. The WSNA Labor Executive Committee (formally known as the Cabinet) has indicated the funds can be used by members to promote membership, educational activities, contract administration, internal communications engage in public relations activities, support their officers and negotiating team.
If you are interested in obtaining reimbursement for a WSNA activity of the local unit, contact a local unit officer, or your Nurse Rep to find out how.
Funds Status as of August 2024
- Total Local Unit Funds amount = $79,553.61
- Incoming dues each month = $5,000 on average
- Ongoing Local Unit Expenses =
- Voice Tel - $25.90/month
- Storage Unit - $84/month
- Labor Council Dues = $227.50/month
- Spokane Alliance Dues = $800/year
- $100/per NEO (WSNA New Hire Presentation) to WSNA Officer (NEOs occur 2x a month)
Charges this last month:
- Sip and chat cost for the month of June = $1893.30
To see a full breakdown of deposits and usage, click here for the full report.
Questions? Contact your local unit officers or Nurse Rep Jaclyn Smedley BSN, RN, at