Please welcome WSNA Nurse Representative Shawn Reed, RN, SANE
Posted Jan 22, 2021
Shawn Reed has been a nurse since 2014, with a background in Emergency Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing and RN Case manager.
Bringing a passion for advocacy and collaboration, Shawn is excited to be a supportive presence for WSNA members!
Shawn is now taking over all new issues as they arise for Pullman Regional Medical Center. I will be working with both Shawn and your local unit officers to ensure a smooth transition over the upcoming weeks.
I have enjoyed working with all of you as your Nurse Representative and am excited to move onto my next stage of life in retirement.
Shawn can be reached at or at 206 – 575‑7979, ext.3126.
In solidarity,
Debi Bessmer BSN,RN