Negotiations session one August 22, 2022
Posted Aug 24, 2022
Pullman nurses,
Thank you to those who stopped by today for our official contract negotiation kick off! Your negotiating team met today with management on site and presented our initial proposal to management.
Our proposals target the concerns of the bargaining unit and address rates of pay, differentials, staffing and workplace violence and safety, among other things.
Our next session will be Sept. 7, 2022.
By becoming a member, you help your fellow nurses at the table secure competitive wages and improved working conditions. By becoming member, you demonstrate the collective power of Pullman nurses, which results in greater control over your work life. Contact your representative Shawn Mork (Reed) at to become a member today. We are in this together!

Questions? Contact your WSNA nurse representative Shawn Mork (Reed) at