
Conference Committee Update

On December 19, 2024, your nurses met with members of management to discuss issues affecting nurses. Our agenda was extensive, and we did not get to every item. We asked management for dates in January to continue discussing concerns.

Article 20 of your contract says the following, “The purpose of the Conference Committee is to foster problem-solving through improved communications between the Employer and the nursing staff. The committee shall consist of three (3) representatives of the nurses in the bargaining unit, and two (2) representatives of the Employer, to include the Chief Clinical Officer or her designee. The function of this committee shall be limited to an advisory capacity. The scope of this committee shall be to discuss matters pertaining to this Agreement, as well as matters pertaining to nursing practice and patient care. The committee shall meet quarterly, or otherwise upon mutual agreement of the parties. Nurse representatives of the Conference Committee shall be allowed one (1) hour paid release time during attendance at a Conference Committee meeting.”

Two birthplace nurses Jessie R. and Shayla M. brought concerns about the unit’s staffing. They have experienced travelers on contract who are uncomfortable or unable to support the department by taking labors. Having those travelers made it difficult for core supplemental nurses to obtain shifts. The last 3 travelers have ended their contracts early as well. Birthplace has multiple nurses expected to have maternity leave in early 2025 leaving the department vulnerable for having enough experience on night shift to have adequate, safe staffing. Your union discussed alternative staffing options including incentives for supplemental nurses and part-time nurses to work full time for a period and for day shift nurses to switch to night shift for a period of time. We have sent those to management and the ball is in their court now whether they want to implement incentives that reward their own staff for working.

Catherine Becker RN gave a review of the SANE program at Pullman. SANE stands for sexual assault nurse examiner. These exams are highly specialized and can include sexual assaults, domestic violence, child abuse, and strangulation. WSNA had offered Pullman leadership in the past an opportunity to pay exam stipends to incentivize nurses to support the program, but prior CNO Jeannie Eylar declined at that time. WSNA communicated to management that we would be happy to discuss any stipends or payments in support of this program and have agreed to send language that other facilities use for their review. If you are interested in learning more about this work or supporting the program, reach out to your nurse rep or get connected with Catherine.

We typically review floating data in these meetings and had a small discussion with leadership about what data to evaluate. With the CNO retiring, management didn’t bring any of the data to this meeting. When we receive those reports, we will share our understanding of them with you.

We will meet with leadership again in January to address the rest of the agenda items including

  • Meal break waivers
  • Meal & rest break laws
  • Hours worked over 44 per pay period
  • Floating data
  • Policies on violent patients
  • ER concerns regarding education for psychiatric holds

Other unit updates- 2025 Staffing Plans

Your 2025 staffing plans were passed and can be found on your local website here. These go into effect January 1, 2025, and any time you feel you or your patient are put in an unsafe situation, file an unsafe staffing form. These forms are reviewed by the committee monthly and we track your concerns.

Contract on the horizon!

Your WSNA labor contract expires in 2025, and we need every nurse’s support going into this. Our membership continues to climb as nurses continue to sign up. Another nurse in the Union is another nurse management knows, won’t back down or be pushed around. While rounding recently, some nurses expressed monetary concern for dues payments. We know everyone is making financial decisions for themselves and their families, and we ask Pullman nurses to consider the cost of not having a Union. Currently, Pullman Regional is the area’s leader in wages and many nurses work full time at Pullman and per diem elsewhere because of this. The one thing that sets Pullman apart from Gritman or Tri-State, is WSNA.

Join today!

Union curious? Text your WSNA Nurse Rep Alle Machorro to learn more about your Union and get a free coffee- 206-707-2048.

In Solidarity, 
Janine Lawrence WSNA Chair
Amy Gifford WSNA Vice Chair 
Katherine Schmidt WSNA Secretary
Trina Partain WSNA Grievance Officer

Questions? Contact your local officers or your WSNA Nurse Representative Alle Machorro at amachorro@wsna.org.