
Contract bargaining news

On Oct. 19, 2021, your contract negotiation team met with hospital management for our fourth bargaining session. The team was disappointed with the lack of movement from the hospital on issues of importance to the nurses. Management did not move on its proposal of 2% wage increases in each year of the contract. Additionally, management:

  • is demanding that the acute care float pool be dismantled
  • is insisting that that RNs face possible discipline if they don’t report to work within 45 minutes of being called back
  • hasn’t addressed our incentive pay proposal
  • hasn’t adequately addressed our concerns with staffing and floating
  • agreed to maintain a 6 week schedule
  • withdrew their proposal to force relief RN’s to take mandatory call

We meet next with management on Oct. 27!

Please display the negotiation car signs in your car window while at work. Also, please remember to wear your WSNA badge holders, stickers and buttons to show your support for a fair contract.

Contact membership@wsna.org if you are not getting postcards and emails from WSNA. Also, please remember to check your junk mail.

In Solidarity,

your negotiating team: Karla Fowler, Local Unit Chair – ICU; Sarah Rice, Member at Large – Cath Lab; Mike Rogen, Member at Large – ER; Jennifer Buckhalter, Grievance Officer – Oncology; Elena Brent – Clinics; Christine Mitchell – Float Pool; Leslie Royce – Labor and Delivery; Elizabeth Brassfield – Medical; Kathy Arnesen – Surgical; Laura Jensen – OR; Annie Johnson – Pre Op

Please contact Travis Elmore, WSNA Nurse Rep at telmore@WSNA.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract!