
Pre-negotiations survey

PeaceIsland Medical Center team is looking at starting the negotiations process with local leadership as well as corporate leadership as soon as negotiations are completed at St. Joe’s in Bellingham. St. Joe's are starting their negotiations sessions this week, but we do anticipate they will be completed quickly so we are busy gearing up. Your team is committed to working for you! If you have any other suggestions, comments or ideas please contact one of your officers.

Please complete the survey and have your responses submitted by close of business Monday, Feb. 21, 2022. The results are CRITICAL for the team to know how to best work for all of you at the negotiations table!

Facebook group just for Peace Island nurses is coming!

Communications is key to a successful negotiation for all of you and what happens at the table. We are excited to announce a special Facebook Group just for you PIMC nurses! This is a PRIVATE group, so you are only permitted membership by the administrator. BUT… this will provide a quick easy way to communicate back and forth, answer questions that may come up and direct you to important issues that impact all of you. Watch for the announcement of the launch and then watch for your invitation to join the group.

This will not replace the email updates or newsletters or other communications that will occur throughout this process, but it is another avenue of quick communication between all of us.

Please contact one of your officers if you have any questions or concerns. You may also email or call your nurse representative.

Melissa Aylward BSN, RN, CNOR – Local Unit Chair
Larry Wall BSN, RN, CEN - Local Unit Co-Chair
Elizabeth Schaltenbrand BSN, RN, CMSRN – Local Unit Secretary
Julie Bielau RN – Local Unit Treasurer
Zanna Cochran RN – Local Unit Grievance Officer
Auralee Jameson BSN, RN – Local Unit Grievance Officer