WSNA Contract Bargaining Update - Day 1 Back at the table on Tuesday 3/5!
Posted Mar 4, 2024

On March 1, 2024, our contract negotiation team met with Overlake management for our 1st day of contract negotiations. These are in person.
We began with introductions, including an explanation by each bargaining team member nurse why they are participating in negotiations. WSNA presented the following interests, which we stated may be potentially shared by Overlake. These are:
- Ensuring nurses can live and thrive in or near the community where they work
- Safe nurse staffing levels and other measures to optimize patient care
- A work environment, including staffing, in which nurses are able to take their meal and rest breaks
WSNA presented data on the high cost of living in Bellevue and the fact that many Overlake nurses live outside the greater Bellevue area. WSNA then delivered our opening proposals on issues important to your work and well-being at the hospital. We did not propose on economics, including wages, health benefits, and other types of pay, but instead “reserved” proposals on those areas as well as a few others until a later negotiation session. Management gave us their opening proposals, which included some takeaways despite what you have given to the hospital over the last 3 years. Management did not propose on the length of the contract, indicating management might seek a contract shorter than three years, which is the length of your current contract.
We appreciate all of you who wore stickers on Friday – it supports your bargaining team and shows solidarity in bargaining. Please continue to show our unified strength as we fight for a fair contract!
Some of the language management has proposed changing includes:
- Article 5.6: Proposed that per diems MUST work all scheduled shifts, reserving for management the discretion to determine when working a shift is unnecessary
- Article 6.2: Proposed to allow management the discretion to require employees to provide more than 21 days notice of resignation where there are scheduled and actual absences, with no provision for the reason for the absence.
- Article 13.3: Proposed to delay PTO scheduling for the holiday period (Thanksgiving through January 2) from May to August.
Some of our Union’s PROPOSALS include:
- Article 4.1: Strengthening Union access to premises.
- Article 6.1: Removing language preventing grievances being filed over discrimination.
- Article 8.2: Updating Staffing Language to reflect the new 2023 staffing law.
- Article 8.4: Removing the requirement to give management a copy of our NEO presentation.
- Article 10.7.1: Supporting your ability to take breaks by proposing Break Relief RNs for every unit.
- Article 13.6: Providing for paid holidays, adding Juneteenth and President’s Day as holidays, and adding two personal holidays.
- Article 14.2.1: Providing that, effective June 21, 2024, EIB would be immediately available.
Here's how YOU can actively contribute to securing a fair contract:
- Wear "I support my bargaining team" stickers on negotiation days. Our next negotiations date is 3/5/2024, and the one after that is 3/14/24.
- Take a selfie wearing your sticker and text it to WSNA Organizer Zach Seikel at 206-406-7203. We got dozens of pictures of RNs showing their support on March 1!
- Read and share negotiation updates with your peers and be vocal. Updates are distributed via email and on the WSNA Overlake Facebook group.
- Join the Facebook Group to see video updates.
- Become a member of our Union if you are not already.
- Reach out to any negotiation team member, contract action team member, or elected officer for negotiation questions or feedback. Their info is on the bulletin board in your unit’s break room.
Resources and Links
- To Update or Change your contact information: Update Info
- Become a Union Member: Online Application
- WSNA Overlake Facebook Group: Facebook Group
In solidarity,
Your negotiation team and WSNA staff:
Chris Birchem Ortho/Spine Surgery
Cassie Bundick CCU
Caine Ballew Float Pool
Michele Percosky OPS
Kristin Barnett IPS
Stacey Alvarez ED
Melissa Santos CCU
Balla Sarr Break Relief RN
Zach Seikel Organizer
Tara Barnes Nurse Representative