
Staffing Crisis Newsletter

We are WSNA

This is going to be long, but our RNs and patient safety are at stake. In case you are skimming, here are the asks to aid the crisis.

The Asks:

  1. Take care of yourselves. Easier said than done, of course. You are obligated to let your leadership know if you are unsafe to keep working.
  2. File ADOs. It protects your license and holds the hospital accountable.
  3. If you are mandated overtime, file an L&I complaint (https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagecomplaint/#/)
  4. If you have concerns about a critical patient safety issue, file a DOH complaint https://fortress.wa.gov/doh/providercredentialsearch/ComplaintIntakeForm.aspx
  5. Write a letter to leadership explaining the situation and your suggested solutions, send to: sscholl@wsna.org

Now the expanded version:

House Wide Staffing Crisis and Letters:

Firstly, we know the staffing crisis is not just in ED, it is across the hospital. We want to make sure we get everyone’s stories and are asking you all to write letters with your concerns and suggested solutions to implement immediately. We will share them on the bulletin boards, with leadership and with the legislature. Please send them to:

ED Staffing Crisis Management Response:

ED has received a response on our asks of management to aid the staffing crisis. There are some promises for future fixes, and they have already revised the incentive program. However it is not enough. Many nurses and techs have already responded directly, however the officers have been working on an official response and intent to request more time with the CNO to discuss an immediate response. Please see links below for the asks and Overlake’s response.


We are pleased that Overlake is rolling out some form of incentive to try and curb the staffing crisis, however the initial plan was universally disliked (we received zero positive endorsements from nurses or techs). Management received your feedback and has made some changes. Does this now meet your needs? Let us know.

Mandatory Overtime and Patient Safety:

We know that mandatory overtime is happening. This is a real safety crisis for patients and nurses. If you have been mandated overtime, please file an L&I complaint. If you have a serious patient safety concern, please file a DOH complaint. There is information on the WSNA bulletin boards to help walk you through it and you can always reach out to the officers and nurse reps for assistance (sscholl@wsna.org).

For any safety concern related to any systems issue, we encourage you to file ADOs. Filing an ADO protects your license and helps hold and draw attention to systems issues. Use the link and it takes about 5 minutes. These problems cannot be solved if they are not visible to leadership and, if needed, WSNA and regulatory bodies.

File an ADO: https://www.wsna.org/ado

Reasons to file an ADO: https://www.wsna.org/union/ado

Mandatory Overtime L&I complaint: https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagecomplaint/#/

Patient Safety DOH Complaint: https://fortress.wa.gov/doh/providercredentialsearch/ComplaintIntakeForm.aspx

Governor’s Proc and follow up email:

The December 3 Governor’s Proclamation is still in effect. Please review the proclamation and the reminder sent out to all hospitals about the conditions to resume non-urgent procedures. We would be surprised if Overlake was not operating in the Crisis Care Phase which would require them to shut down all elective procedures to meet surge capacity. Please review and let us know if Overlake is doing everything possible to meet the needs of the community. We are WSNA and we welcome your insight and solutions to meet surge capacity.

Platitudes and Conclusions:

Everything is so hard right now and the issues you face are very real. We are always in your corner and want to know what is going on and how to push for the change you want to see. We are WSNA and we are powerful together.

Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Sam Scholl for anything at sscholl@wsna.org.

Please let WSNA Organizer Zach Seikel know if you want to be more involved by emailing zseikel@wsna.org.

If you are not already, please consider becoming a member. It is a weird time to ask, but we are stronger as a whole and membership makes us whole. https://www.wsna.org/membership/application/union

In Solidarity,

Your WSNA Officers:

Emnet Bizuneh, Chris Birchem, Gemma Aranda, Cassie Bundick, Kathryn Geren, Janet Moore-Lane, Natalie Anderson