August 2023 Newsletter
Posted Aug 11, 2023
Staffing Committee
The next meeting is Wednesday, September 13, at 1 p.m. and every second Wednesday of the month.
September 13, 2023
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Virtual meeting
Staffing committee
There were many ADOs submitted in May through July. Keep up the good work and be a part of the solution! Submit your ADOs at
Some units are missing WSNA members to represent their department. Only dues paying WSNA members are eligible to hold a position on the committee. Contact Nurse Rep Tara at about becoming part of this essential committee which meets monthly on Microsoft Teams. Attend as a guest to observe how this committee works! The position of Co-Chair will soon be open.
Here is a special message from Michele Percosky in OPS, the current Co-Chair, who has provided great leadership and a service to the union nurses for two years:
“Two years ago, I was a committee of one! I sat on meetings with leadership solo, but I felt like it was important to represent the staff nursing side of the staffing committee. I didn’t back down and have managed to recruit some amazing representatives along the way. While I feel like I have worked very hard these last two years- we still have more work to do! Feel free to contact me with any questions about the committee or the co-chair role. We need you!”
The next meeting is Wednesday, September 13, at 1 p.m. and every second Wednesday of the month.
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 469-848-0186,819641975# United States, Dallas
Phone Conference ID: 819 641 975#
Conference Committee
This is also one of your union contract committees, meeting monthly. Issues are discussed to support communication between the WSNA nurses and OMC and act where appropriate. We’ve recently learned that the safety of pedestrians, drivers and cyclists on 116th is a problem that community partners are not only concerned about, but invite the Overlake nurses to support improvements for the area surrounding the hospital campus. If you agree and want to participate in making 116th a hospital zone to reduce injuries and the risks to employees and the community, contact your officer Cassie Bundick

“I’m an officer because fair treatment of nurses is vital for our growth as a profession. Fighting for fair treatment is a passion of mine. Having the ability to have a say in how my employer treats my colleagues and me, when so many in our profession across the US don’t have that have that option, helps keep me grounded.”
Please submit issues for conference committee to one of your local unit officers or Nurse Rep Tara.
Your WSNA membership speaks volumes. Increased membership over the last few years has been crucial in negotiating improvements in hours, wages and working conditions. It not only provides the environment for a fair deal at work, but it also shows you are engaged and invested in your working conditions as a community of union nurses at OMC. The membership option is under article 3.1. Submit the online application today!

“First of all, a huge welcome to our newest WSNA at Overlake Hospital Members!! It’s great to have you ALL on board and welcome as we move forward!
Please let me introduce myself. My name is Chris Birchem, currently your WSNA Local Unit Officer (Chair). I work the night shift on East 5 (Ortho/Spinal Surgery) and have been a WSNA member since my first day of employment at Overlake (approximately 18 years ago). During most of those years, I have also been an officer for our local unit in a variety of capacities - all of which have been very enriching experiences allowing me to choose how and in what ways I chose to advocate on behalf of our patients as well as each other. During my time as officer, I have been elected by “YOU” our members to serve as Secretary, Treasurer, Co-Chair, and now Chair. In addition, I have had the honor of assisting with the Grievance Officer role as needed. At the State level, I have also served to represent RNs as part of the WSNA PAC, allowing me to visit with our State Representatives to discuss our many nursing priorities over the years and being part of considering existing & future candidates for possible WSNA nursing endorsements.
Looking back, I have to say, “WOW, what an awesome experience for an introvert like me!” You may be thinking, “why?” First, WSNA is not that small office building in Tukwila that does everything in isolation because dues are being paid. Fact is, “WE” as members “are WSNA”! Collectively, we as WSNA members must be active in making calls to advocate on behalf of our patients, our colleagues, and our profession. It’s our collective voices and our vote as members that give us our strength. WSNA staff are our resource/support to ensure our priorities and goals are successfully met moving forward. They have a vital role of supporting us with contract negotiations, grievances with our employer, a resource to help empower and educate us, behind the scenes work with our legislators, and help us stay up on the latest news/happenings in our profession - just to name a few. WSNA is your professional organization at the State level, ANA at your national level. You have your choice to support your professional organization, or not. But my choice is very clear! WSNA staff have helped me along my continual advocacy journey to be as involved as I would like to be with the promise to support me in whatever way possible to be as successful as possible. I started out by “folding flyers” to distribute to our members believe it or not :-)
I could go on…, however, I want to take this opportunity to encourage RNs to become a member if they currently are not. It doesn’t matter if you became an RN yesterday or many years ago. “WE” welcome you at any time to become a collective voice & source of strength!! Please join WSNA today. For those who would like to get more involved, in whatever way you feel you desire, or would just like more information, please reach out to WSNA, your local unit officers, or myself anytime. Roles you may find interesting include: WSNA unit representative, membership officer, grievance officer, secretary/treasurer, chair/co-chair, or perhaps becoming active in our next contract negotiations process. Don’t be afraid to try, WSNA staff and your officers are there to support you. COVID, like everything else, has also impacted involvement in these essential roles. I humbly ask you for your much needed assistance.
Many thanks for your time and for your continued support and faith in me throughout the years. It’s been a tremendous honor serving as your local unit officer/Chair!
In Solidarity,
Be safe and well!”
Your local unit officers,
Chris Birchem Chair E5
Cassie Bundick So3
Michele Percosky OPS
There are opportunities to be appointed for membership and grievance officer positions, which are vacant. Contact one of your local unit officers or Nurse Representative to support Overlake union nurses as an officer.