
Read the summary of our Tentative Agreement (TA) with Overlake and vote on our TA on June 28 and July 1, 2024 (details below)

Your bargaining team recommends a YES vote!

As you know, we reached a tentative agreement (TA) with Overlake at our eleventh bargaining session on June 17, 2024. This TA gets you wages close to or at par with the increases that the highest paid Seattle-Bellevue area union hospital nurses will receive later this year. It equalizes step increases in September 2024, implements immediately-available sick leave in January 2025, and improves contractual protections for staffing and break relief, among other benefits.

While we previously summarized the highlights of this agreement, here is a more detailed summary . Please join us on-site at Overlake on June 28 or July 1 (see times and locations below) to vote on the TA. Bargaining team members and WSNA staff will be on hand to answer questions.

Ratification Vote Details – Opportunities to Vote on Two Days

Day 1

When: Friday, June 28, 2024, 6-8 am, 11 am-2 pm, 3:30-8 pm
Where: PACCAR Insight Room

Day 2

When: Monday, July 1, 2024, 6-8am, 11am-2pm (join us for the vote count at 2 pm!)
Where PACCAR Inspiration Room

Note, a Friday email listing a voting day as July 28 is incorrect; the correct dates are June 28 and July 1, 2024.

You must be a WSNA member in good standing and an Overlake nurse to vote on the TA. If you are a nonmember, you can join here or at the vote.

If you have any questions, contact Nurse Rep Tara Barnes (tbarnes@wsna.org).