Kicking off 2023 united for safe staffing!
Posted Jan 11, 2023

Huge WIN for Overlake RNs, $5 across the board wage increase!
We all know the truth:
Safe staffing=Safe nurses=Safe care
Huge WIN for Overlake RNs - $5 across the board wage increase! The fight is not over, staffing remains inadequate and unsafe; Overlake is not listening. Keep the pressure on, wear our safe staffing stickers in solidarity until Jan. 11 at midnight and send in pictures of nurses wearing them in solidarity.
The top 5 RNs submitting the most pics of nurses wearing stickers win gift card prizes. Send in pictures to WSNA chair Chris Birchem at or WSNA Organizer Zach Seikel at
Where can you get more stickers?
- E5: Chris Birchem
- S3: Cassie Bundick
- S4: Denise Langeland
- ED: Heidi Petersen
Staffing will NOT improve on its own. Stand together and be ready for what is next. Join us in the fight for safe staffing by becoming a member of our union. Online sign up:
Step up and help lead the charge for your unit. Contact our union organizer Zach Seikel at Make sure your department is connected and ready to participate in actions going forward.
Questions? Contact one of our union officers or our Nurse Rep Sam Scholl.
In Unity,
Officers: Chris Birchem E5, Cassie Bundick S3, and Carrie Cole ED