
Wage increase coming October 1, 2022

Great news for Ocean Beach nurses! To stay competitive in the market, as well as to express appreciation for our nursing staff, the leadership of OBHMC has will increase the wages for the RN staff by 5% beginning October 1, 2022.

Also, there have been some changes in your officers. Ed Hunt has stepped down from the Chair position. Per local unit rules, your executive committee has appointed Anngalyn Brown as your Local Unit Chair.

In Solidarity, your local unit officers,
Anngalyn Brown and Marcey Frame

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call 206-575-7979 ext. 3019 or contact Michelle Moore by email atmmmore@wsna.org, covering for Mara Kieval while on leave (email atmkieval@wsna.org).