Newsletter: February 2021
Posted Feb 26, 2021
Upcoming negotiations
Negotiations for your next contract are set to begin in mid-March. Your WSNA team members have started preparing for those negotiations by reviewing survey results and meeting with WSNA staff. Stay tuned for more information once we sit down at the bargaining table.
Want to be more involved? Contact your WSNA Organizer, Annie Mansfield. or call/text 206-247-4723
Break information
Rest breaks – You are entitled to a 15-minute uninterrupted break for each 4-hour block worked. You must start that break within the first 3 hours of each 4-hour block. For example, if you start at 7 a.m. and don’t take your first break until 1pm, you have already missed your first rest break and should be clocking out that you missed a break, and you must be paid an additional 15 minutes at the appropriate rate (i.e.. if it puts you into daily overtime, it is paid at the overtime rate.) The intent of our state laws and contract is to ensure that you are rested and receive adequate relief at appropriate times.
Meals – You are entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal break for every 5 hours of work. For 12-hour nurses, you are entitled to a second unpaid meal period which you may waive. Twelve-hour nurses are entitled to 3 breaks and 2 meals.
Both your meal(s) and your breaks must be uninterrupted. If you are interrupted and can’t restart the break or meal, then you should record it as missed. You must be completely relieved of duties during breaks and meals or they are paid, and you should clock them as missed.
In addition to logging your missed break in Kronos, take 90 seconds to log it in this online ADO form so that your staffing committee designee has a record of all missed breaks on the unit.

(When you click on the ADO form, select your employer from the drop-down menu, fill in your name and shift info, check the box that applies to you, then scroll down and hit ‘submit’)
Please contact WSNA immediately if you are not paid for missed breaks and meal periods.
Assignment Despite Objection (ADO)
If you find yourself in a situation that you believe creates unsafe conditions for patients or for you, complete the Staffing Complaint / ADO (Assignment Despite Objection). In the moment if time allows, please try to follow your chain of command. If the situation is resolved, there is no need to file an ADO but if it is not resolved, it is important to fill one out.
What happens to my ADO form? First, your manager may need to gather more information from you. The ADO is then discussed in staffing committee. Staffing committee makes the determination as to whether the ADO is resolved or unresolved. If it is unresolved, the committee continues to look at ways to address the complaints. If ADOs continue to be submitted for the same issue/floor, then it may also facilitate the filing of complaints with regulatory agencies related to break/ overtime protections law violations. The hospital may be required to take further action to correct the issue and may be subject to fines.
Your manager should be following up with you as to the outcome of your ADO. Don’t be afraid to ask if you do not hear anything. Generally, staffing committee is held once a month on the first Monday of the month. Does your unit have a rep on the staffing committee? If not and you would like to join, please reach out to one of your officers, your nurse rep or organizer.
Where do I find the ADO form?
More information about ADO forms and a fillable form (scroll to the bottom) is available here:
To sign up for a 30-minute training on “How and When to use an ADO form”, use the link below to register via signup genius:
Are you interested in attending the 2021 Washington State Nurses Convention for free?
This year, your Local Unit leaders are sponsoring the first 10 WSNA members who respond to attend the virtual convention April 28-29.
If you’ve never been able to fit the convention into your schedule or budget, this is your opportunity. This year, we’ll have a fantastic lineup of speakers presenting on important topics relevant to your practice, including how to achieve patient and workforce safety and how to create a culture of anti-racism in health care. Earn up to 8.25 CNEs!
Because of our move to a virtual convention, we’re able to offer registration for the low price of $50 for WSNA members (contact your WSNA nurse representative for the promotion code). But if you reserve your spot for sponsorship, your Local Unit will reimburse your $50 registration fee. Nonmembers are also encouraged to attend or better yet, complete a WSNA member application now to be eligible for the free conference. To join, fill out this online PDF form, save the file, and email it to
For more information and to request sponsorship, contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sara Frey at