
February 2023 news updates

Coffee drop-in with your WSNA Local unit officers and Nurse representative

On February 8, we had a coffee drop-in with your Local Unit Chair Liz Tassani and Grievance Officer Grace Jones. We had a great turnout and spoke with a lot of staff. We are planning the next drop-in for March 8 from 1300-1600 at the main lobby Starbucks. Bring a friend and come say hello.

Does your department take call?

If you are working in a department that is required to take call, the employer wants to change the way you have historically been getting paid. WSNA feels that nurses should be paid according to the contract and that requiring nurses to take call on a day off is not acceptable. We have started a petition for the nurses in these departments who take call to sign, we need all the nurse’s support to ensure this change does not take effect.


WSNA has been made aware that the nurses in the ED have begun to work towards self-scheduling. We are asking staff to fill out this small survey form with ideas on how best to self-schedule.

Looking for a few good nurses!

Your local unit is looking for nurses who want to become more involved. We are looking for nurses to become unit representatives and for nurses interested in becoming an officer. If you or someone you know is interested in these positions, please contact Stephenie Troftgruben your WSNA nurse representative at stroftgruben@WSNA.org.


It has been brought to WSNA’s attention that management is stating that they are only able to offer the DT incentive in 8-hour increments, while this is management’s right the minimum number of hours is 4. However, if you are working a 16-hour shift, that falls under the double shift provision in the contract which states:

7.11.1 Double Shifts. Any nurse who works a double shift of at least sixteen (16) hours in combination, may request to have their next scheduled shift off if that shift is within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of their double shift. If the nurse requests, they shall be entitled to draw on any accrued and unused annual leave to cover the hours of the shift they have requested off. If the nurse has opted for taking their shift off and patient demand cannot be covered by another nurse and, therefore, the nurse is required to work their shift, the nurse will receive payment at the overtime rate of time and one-half (1½x) for all hours worked on that shift.

Questions? Please contact your WSNA nurse representative, Stephenie Troftgruben, BSN, RN, at Stroftgruben@wsna.org .