We have heard from you
Posted Aug 14, 2019

Thank you!
Our team would like to thank the entire bargaining unit for taking the time to fill out the survey. The number of responses was overwhelming. We asked that Kadlec nurses provide guidance to our team as we continue to bargain for a fair contract and that’s exactly what you did. We always keep the survey results confidential, but it should come as no surprise that the top priorities we chose were to maintain the current PTO program, maintain our no mandatory low census and a fair economic proposal.
We wanted to make certain that it is understood that this survey was in no way a strike authorization vote. However, it helps our team make critical decisions knowing that there is overwhelming support of further actions up to and including strike as we head back to mediations.
In Solidarity :
Your Bargaining team
Jacob Garcia (CDU), Martha Galvez (Birth Center), Vanessa Douglas (ICU), Toni Ledridge (PAS), Kathy Peot (Resource), Marianne Sturtevant (OR), Meri Bukovinsky (CDU), Joyce McMurphy (NICU), (Anthony) Tony Jones (Cath Lab), Joy Barclay (DI)

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jayson Dick at jayson.dick@wsna.org.