We have a ratified contract!
Posted Jan 6, 2023

Your voice has been heard. We had an overwhelming majority of RNs cast their yes votes on January 5, 2023.
The solidarity and actions of the WSNA Kadlec RNs were essential in celebrating this victory.
Our new contract will be posted online on this page once the original ratified contract is signed by all parties.
In solidarity,
Your negotiating team: Meri Bukovinsky (CDU), Jamie Woodall (FSED), Vanessa Douglas (ICU), Anita Dennis (PACU), Kat Banks (PACU), Michelle Killebrew (CV Pre/Post), Kelsi Duncan (NICU) and Andrew Blake (Cath Lab)
If you have any questions about the changes in your contract. Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Laurie Robinson RN at 206-620-4136 or lrobinson@wsna.org